2 questions: First question. Does anyone... - My MSAA Community

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2 questions

rlh1974 profile image
26 Replies

First question. Does anyone find themselves clench their jaw. I have been doing this constantly! It is giving me massive headaches. Middle of the day, night all the time. completely unconscious thing. It is so strange!

Second. OK. Sitting here and I forgot what it was! I remember. Only took 15 minutes! Gah! Ok. I had my ear plugs in while sleeping last night. I have to use them sometimes. the last 3 nights I have had to. My wife snores like a sailor! SHHHHHHH, don't tell her I said that! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Kidding, she knows. I have a really funny story about that. But it would be paragraphs long and I would never remember all of it and it would take hours to write. Man, I keep getting off subject. So ear plugs. The last 2 or 3 nights. They have caused sensory depravation! Scared me so bad! Had to rip them out and sit up ( That has been a chore lately too) and use my breathing app on my watch to call down! it was so scary! So, I am curious if that sort of thing has ever happened to any of you? I kind of feel like it was actually overload from my own thoughts and dreams. I have never had issues like that. You could put me in a coffin and close the lid and I would fall asleep for hours. In an MRI I tube they have to wake me up cause my snoring causes movement in my neck, so they can't get a clear pic! That is funny! Anyway, it could have been panic attacks, but I have never ever had one at night!

Anyway, If anyone has anyone can help. I would be most grateful!

Happy 4th guys!

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rlh1974 profile image
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26 Replies
Morllyn profile image

Most, or all, of that can be caused by tension. I clench my jaws and grind my teeth at night. This has caused some pretty high dentist bills. Now I have a retainer, that is kind of like a mouth piece that sportsman use but not so bulky. It keeps me from doing damage to my teeth.

MS, as any chronic illness, can definitely cause lots of stress, which can manifest itself as panic attacks, anxiety, depression and lots of other related conditions.

Talk with your doctor about these things.🙂🙃😬 Hope you find some relief.

rlh1974 profile image
rlh1974 in reply toMorllyn

Morllyn Thanks for your kind reply. Unfortunately I am aware of this. I was just wondering if any of you clench during the day. I know so many that do it at night. Just like you. It it strange to me during the day. I will absolutely talk to my Dr on Thursday! Again, Thank you for getting back to me!


Morllyn profile image
Morllyn in reply torlh1974

rlh1974 I haven't noticed any clinching during the daytime but, then again, I did not know I was doing it at night until I cracked a front tooth down the middle and went to the dentist. I had never been one to go to a dentist regularly because I had really strong teeth and never had much problem with them, then the front tooth cracked. I had breast cancer in 2003 and had had surgery, chemo therapy and radiation therapy so when my tooth cracked I thought it had something to do with that (don't ask me why, I just did). I went to a dentist and he said that it was obvious that I was clinching and grinding my teeth.

Kjbrubaker profile image

About the jaw clenching I do the same thing. When I didn't know what was giving me massive heads aches pain in the back of my eye. I went to sleep with head ache woke up with one. Medicine didn't help I had to go to the ER. They submmited me to the hospital drugged me all up. One Dr said it was migraine but I knew it wasn't. Finally my neurologist come to see me. She knew exactly what the problem was. She said I needed to wear a mouth guard and let me tell you it was a life saver. Ever since I started wearing it I haven't had a headache. If I do get them its because of the heat. You should look into it. It could help you. Best of luck

rlh1974 profile image
rlh1974 in reply toKjbrubaker

Kjbrubaker Wow! That is exactly what is happening to me. I could not put my finger on it! Especially the eye pain! Took me a couple weeks to figure out it was me causing the pain. I try to keep mind of it. Doesn't seem to be working. It is possible it is causing my issues at night also. Those are cheap enough. I will have my wife pick one up for me! It ia totally worth a couple bucks!

Thanks so Much!


Kjbrubaker profile image
Kjbrubaker in reply torlh1974

No problem hope it helps.

kdali profile image

Yes, I have TMJ and monitor clenching pretty closely. It can be anytime, you might catch yourself doing it when you are tired and stressed, or annoyed 😁

Avoid eating crunchy foods and tall things like sub sandwiches. Look back at your week and see if you have neglected to take care of yourself (sleep, meditation, exercise). Hot and cold compresses work wonders for jaw and face pain. Stop talking a lot also, if you have been. It should go away with rest, if not, see a dentist that specializes in TMJ.

The other thing I think is coincidence. You can wake up disoriented if you are interrupted during the wrong moment of a sleep cycle. Snoring can be a sign of obstructive sleep apnea, which is no big deal except it can kill you in your sleep. Many times people wake disoriented and or gasping from sleep apnea due to lack of oxygen to the brain.

rlh1974 profile image
rlh1974 in reply tokdali

That is one thing I DO NOT suffer from. My wife on the other hand will go 60 seconds. She scars me! I am trying to pay more attention to when I'm doing it. Mostly when I'm alone. But I promise you this! I am a talker! As you can probably all tell from the way I write. 😂! So I probably can't stop that. It's genetic! No crunchy food!?? Come on! Now you are sounding like one of those BS articles we were talking about in that other post!😂🤣😂🤣! I am a foody! I'm trying the mouth guard. I will see how that goes. Again, thanks for the great info. Also, please know that I am trying to be funny!

You rock!'


CalfeeChick profile image

Regarding the Clinching, it's either a mouth guard or allot of self discipline to recognize the physical or mental signs that cause the Clinch.. You can purchase mouth guards at a sports supply store that are do it yourself guards. Put in boiling water to soften, as soon as it's cool enough you put in mouth and bite down to make it fit you. Costs about $5.00 for 2. I used to have to wear a guard when I was a tooth grinder, then more recently when bicycling to prevent tooth jarring and cracking. About the sleep situation, is there anything your bride can do to reduce snoring? Work together to resolve that situation. Sleep with propped up pillows, maybe others have suggestions.

kdali profile image

Does she have a CPAP to wear at night? I would be scared too.

Yes, crunchy foods and gabbing are the first things to go when you have been clenching so much that your face hurts. HAH! I wish I was all babble, but I'm unfortunately a pro from years of TMJ drama. You don't want this. Run away! Sometimes I am not able to have solid foods. I wish I had taken clenching more seriously!

I hope the mouth guard works for you! They can work wonders, or can cause everything from ulcers to TMJ. This is why I say, pay attention and see a specialized dentist if your issues don't improve.

rlh1974 profile image
rlh1974 in reply tokdali

Unfortunately she won't go to the Dr. she just gets mad at me. Yells and says she's fat! That is what happens when your fat! Pisses me off! Yes she is over weight. Fat! Not a chance! BEAUTIFUL is what my wife is. But stubborn as a mule! It is freighting!

kdali profile image
kdali in reply torlh1974

It could be weight, but not always. Let her know, as sweetly as possible, that she's much more attractive alive, "fat" and yelling at you, than as a corpse you wake up to?

Sleep apnea is no joke! Also, it can cause you to be tired all day and eat more just to have energy to make it through. Maybe the CPAP diet is all she needs to lose a few and feel good about herself.

You could also pull the MS card 😈 I'm sure there are things you would rather not go through just to stay around longer and healthier for her 😁

rlh1974 profile image
rlh1974 in reply tokdali

Oh my! I have tried all of that!!! Then I get the "I'm too busy" she will come around when she can't function anymore due to only getting a couple solid hours of sleep a night. Hopefully! Stubborn as a mule that gorgeous little German!

kdali profile image
kdali in reply torlh1974

Well, you're going to have to choke her out Jack Bauer style and drag her to the doctor!

It sounds miserable 😞

CalfeeChick profile image
CalfeeChickCommunityAmbassador in reply torlh1974

Unfortunately, her being overweight and snoring, breathing heavily could and probably are symptoms of her body pleading with her to take care of herself. I am in no position to talk about weight as I am on the crest of needing to do something about my own weight, Being overweight causes all the body organs to go into overload, especially her heart and lungs. Example: a good friend of mine married a fellow that was very overweight, snoring was the least of his problems, I recognized immediately that he was in congestive heart failure. Falling asleep while talking, and having to pull over to side of road when driving because he was falling asleep then!! Difficulty walking very far, etc. He did last maybe 3 years before he passed away.. Very sad because he wouldn't listen to those that cared. Ease your Lovely into the doctor soon.. She needs to take care of herself to be able to help you take care yourself. Blessings, Lynn

rlh1974 profile image
rlh1974 in reply toCalfeeChick

Unfortunately or fortunately other than exhausted, she is healthy as a horse. Perfect blood pressure, could probably do a 5k or ride 20 miles on her bike. Her only health issue is sleep apnea. One reason why she doesn't want to see the dr about it. When in the hospital, if you end up there and have it. For some stupid reason. They wake you up every hour to. Ale sure you are ok! I sometimes suffer from it as well. Or did. It went away. But it is in my health records. They actually wake you every hour! Stupidest thing I have ever heard of!

CalfeeChick profile image
CalfeeChickCommunityAmbassador in reply torlh1974

That's great that she's is great health.. Still with sleep apnea, or just snoring, there may be something docs may be able to do to help.. Maybe when she starts snoring, you could snuggle just enough to make her quite snoring and you both go back to sleep peacefully. :-)

rlh1974 profile image
rlh1974 in reply toCalfeeChick

That's funny! As much as my wife will cuddle on the couch. She can't have anything touch her, including me when she sleeps! Actually we are both that way!😂🤣😂

Danielle2311 profile image

Just wondering if you use Vyvanse

rlh1974 profile image
rlh1974 in reply toDanielle2311

Danielle, what is that?

ssdw1958 profile image

I know this one, it is called jaw thrust I know because I had it. It happened to me when I was under a lot of stress at work. What I had to do it let me tell you it's not easy you have to be more arelaxed. Or you can go to the drugstore and they sell something for this it's plastic and you put it in your mouth and when you want to grind your teeth you grind that instead. I never got one of those but I had a girlfriend who had jaw thrust really bad and it did work for her. Why I didn't get one was I consciously made myself remember when I grind my teeth I would stop, let me tell you it was a hard thing to do.

Good luck you can also talk to your dentist they can have one molded to fit your mouth, but that can also cost you $$$$, and I didn't have money for that.

rlh1974 profile image
rlh1974 in reply tossdw1958

Thanks! My wife is picking me up a mouth piece today. I don't grind my teeth, I just clench so hard it makes my eyes hurt! I have been trying to be conscious of it and have been catching myself the last 2 days. Hoping I can keep it up!

Let me say thank you all for chiming in and helping! I love this group!


ssdw1958 profile image

I hope that works glad I could help. I know it is easier said than done but try to relax. hahaha

My husband would laugh at me that I am telling someone to relax he would say now you should listen to your self.

TMPelop profile image

rlh1974 , I clench my teeth all the time. I hate it! I have a mouth guard for at night but I can't wear it during the day. I learned to either talk or keep my tongue against my teeth to stop it. Unfortunately sometimes I bite my tongue accidentally but it's better than the horrible headaches. I hope you get some relief soon.

rlh1974 profile image
rlh1974 in reply toTMPelop

Thanks! That is a good tip! I will add that to my intentional thoughts of not doing it!


KrittyKat60 profile image


Regarding the teeth grinding and clenching.

Yes people do grind and clench their teeth during the day as well as night. It can cause massive headaches and a very sore jaw. I was in my early 20's when I first noticed that I would wake up with a sore jaw in the morning and didn't realize I was clenching my teeth so hard it would wake me up and my jaw locked up. I also noticed that I would clench my jaw and grind my teeth during the day. It's something I wasn't even aware I had been doing. When I went to my dentist I discussed this with him, he told me I should wear a mouth guard when I sleep. I was only like 23 or 24 so of course I was not going to wear one of those. I probably should have listened as a mouth guard was a lot cheaper than the end result. By the time I was 29 or 30 I ended up cracking one of my molars in my sleep. It hurt like h**. I couldn't eat or drink anything hot or cold if it came in contact with the tooth. I would cover my tooth with my tongue to prevent the pain. LOL That was my temporary fix.

Eventually that no longer worked or was an option because the pain was too much. Long story short I eventually ended up with a bridge on both sides of my lower jaw and a crown on two of my upper molars, one on each side. I've had them for over 30 years and I haven't damaged them. I had to train myself to stop the clenching and grinding during the day. I still grind at night and sometimes I find myself doing the same during the day, mostly when I'm stressed out about something or I'm thinking about something that is bothering me. No advice as to how to stop it.

I think stress has a lot to do with the clenching and grinding. Get a mouth guard before you crack the teeth. Eventually your teeth will have permanent damage if you don't. Good luck. 👍

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