Hi everyone sorry I haven't given an update in so long. I got my last antibiotics and finished them up on April 2nd with those I received a shot of antibiotics and a steroid shot before I started the oral antibiotics and oral steroids. I have had no more problems with the throat infection since. I have had normal symptoms of the MS a d had to take some more oral steroids for that. This caused a problem with blood sugar. This has fixed itself and I am doi g great. I have been very busy crocheting lots of things another prayer shawl and 5 more hats for the homeless veterans I will post pictures of them later. I plan on working mostly on on hats and scarfs with a prayer shawl thrown in ever once in a while I am hoping to get my mountain of yarn down to nothing by the end of summer. Some of that mountain will go to some of the other members of the prayer shawl ministry. Once that is gone I will be making a yarn store or my local Walmart very happy by buying a couple of hundred dollars worth of yarn. I hope you all are doing well. My prayers are with you all
Been awhile since I posted anything - My MSAA Community
Been awhile since I posted anything

I’m so glad things are moving in a positive direction!
all sounds great keep up the wonderful feeling of getting stronger and having better health along the way while doing all of your crocheting...take care and stay safe and so full of happiness ...love and much happiness for ever and ever ...
good to know are going great for you
When ever I have an infection of some sort, that is the route my dr does - shot or two of something or another and an oral antibiotic. Glad you are feeling better!
Praise God you're feeling better; continued good health and share your beautiful projects!
Oh ! Prayers to you.
Crotech on(spelling??)

Thank you. I never spelled it correctly for the longest time

I am so happy to hear that you are doing well, Turtlepie Keep Smiling
So glad to hear from you and know things are well.