Meet the Cambridge Scientist Who could be on the Verge of Curing Multiple Sclerosis | The Hearty Soul
With Sue Metcalf and her team
A friend of mine set me the following link for this research that could be a potential cure for MS. Has any one heard or read about this scientist and her scientist’s work? What is your opinion of this research.
Below is a link:
LIFNano's lead indication is to treat Multiple Sclerosis (MS), a disabling incurable auto-immune disease of the central nervous system (CNS) commonly affecting young adults and involving 100,000 people in the UK alone. Inflammatory damage to the nerve's protective myelin sheath - demyelination - is the hallmark of MS that progressively or intermittently causes a wide range of symptoms as specific nerves become inflamed and lose function. Currently available therapies are mainly limited to immunosuppression and do not prevent progression of disease that is linked to the irreversible loss of nerves.
The LIFNano approach to MS provides therapeutic synergy for (i) suppression of auto-immune attack and (ii) repair of myelin within damaged CNS tissue.