A friend sent this and thought I would pass it along. The link was sen to me via Facebook but the research looks promising. katu.com/news/local/ohsu-do...
OHSU doctors part of 'breakthrough' rese... - My MSAA Community
OHSU doctors part of 'breakthrough' research on treating multiple sclerosis

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6 Replies
It’s good news. Raingrrl posted it a couple of days ago. It looks promising. Hope you are having a good Easter, Blessings Jimeka 🐣 ✝️
I had the link saved and was going to post it but I see you beat me to it chairbear and Raingrrl
Happy Easter!
Encouraging 👍news...hoping and praying always...thank you for sharing! 🙏🏻🌸
good news
Very good news not getting my hopes up but still fab news xxxxxxxx ❤️
Saw that too. Hope is healthy! This sounded promising!
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