I should be watching Ancient Aliens on the DVR but I am not. I am here with “YOU” instead. There is a reason for this ,and I will state it again. BECAUSE I REALLY LIKE YOU. Not really a secret, I like to think I am rather obvious, bur in case “YOU” missed the hint though. I like “YOU”, personally, as a group. I just like “YOU”. Add another person to your list of those who like “YOU” I may reach double digits before I die, actually my life does not depend on being liked I just like, because I can. That is a choice I made. I can be more than an illness, a number a group of cells. I can be something more, and another secret so can “YOU”. If “YOU” choose to, “YOU” can be so much more than just a blob of cells, a disability. So much more than ms.
Open yourself to the possibilities. Do not merely “DREAM”, take some action. Do what “YOU” dreamed of. Those ambitions and aspirations we talked about yesterday. Move them into the front of your mind and start working towards them. Do not let them sit there and regret them in 10 20 30 years time, do something to make them your reality. Long ago I wondered where to go, what to do, I wanted, wanted, wanted. A very wise ,Mother told me, son if you want these things start moving towards achieving them. Very wise advice, I stopped crying felling sorry for myself and started working towards achieving those goals. Most of them I have done, a lot I have changed. I have travelled down many roads that lead to dead ends. I have had to backtrack. I am not perfect, I do the wrong things, but I never stopped moving. Merely because I am chronically disabled, have an incurable progressive illness I have absolutely no excuse not to achieve the dreams that I have. Like “YOU”, my future is in my hands. My successes are mine. If I set my mind to it I will achieve it. All that is holding back is my own resolve.
Give yourself dreams and aspiration, then achieve them. Practical things may low “YOU”, but a wiggle and some work might set “YOU” free of your hurdle. Free to achieve, to achieve those dreams and aspirations. Do not hold yourself back, do not let others hold “YOU” back. Your life is yours to live, “YOU” make the choices. Never let yourself be held back by this condition. “YOU”, my ms sibling are far better than that. Seriously, “YOU” really are. Dream big and achieve it. Achieve it for “YOU”, your spouse, your children, Achieve it for those “YOU” will never know.
Royce (THE ms writer)
achieve it because \you can and want to