Post 593 Not every day has to be ... - My MSAA Community

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Post 593 Not every day has to be 3 Feb 2020

RoyceNewton profile image
8 Replies

Not every day has to great, full of adventure and monumental earth shattering moments. Throw your legs out of bed stand up and count that as a good day. Better still if “YOU” can put on your pants one leg at a time without falling over. I cheat and lean on the chest of drawers or sit on the bed. Still it is a good day, I did not greet the floor. Sometimes paying attention to the smallest of things is a very good thing. I remember long ago standing unsupported and putting my pants on. So simple, so easy, but I was so impressed with myself that day. I had to brag to my Mother and Grandmother at the time. They were very happy for me. I did not realize how important that moment was.

I think if “YOU” allow yourself ,“YOU” could even find moments like that for yourself. “YOU”eat thin soup and did not spill or dribble to much, that my ms sibling is a victory. I can not do that, soup has to be very thick for me, and I can choke on water. “YOU” are doing very well, who says “YOU” can not do it? Keep practicing everything and if your body gives up on something. Try a new way to do it. Shopping, I push a cart with 1 item in it. Not because I want the item, because the cart works really well as a walker. I found a way to look and behave like everybody else. Go slowly along the aisles and “YOU” might not be to tired when “YOU” reach the checkout. Do “YOU” see your ms does not have to be an obvious disability unless “YOU” want it to be.

Every day does not have to be anything that “YOU” do not want or more than “YOU” can handle. Yes, some days truly suck. Some 3 am nights are very difficult. I know I have lived more than a few, but I lived them. I never gave up, I suffered the pain, put up with my weakness and always refereed to RULE 1 and what is that rule? I can not knowingly and deliberately hurting myself. There are accidents, I have overdosed several times but never ever deliberately.

Some days are a challenge and I allow them to happen, not much can be done about them in all honesty, but I can soothe them a little. Stay in bed all day, talk to my dog. Leave the blinds closed and stay in the dark. Play some very mellow music, read a book and read the same page several times. “YOU” can think of something and just let the day pass “YOU” by. Tomorrow may be better and “YOU” will be full of energy and ready for it. A day of rest every now and again is not a bad thing, allow yourself that. Be easy on yourself, this is a very big disease with lots of unforeseen obstacles. Do not be broken by them. Accept them and try to move on through them.

This is a long journey we take, and there is no rush to the finish line. Take your time smell the flowers, love somebody. This does include yourself.

Royce ( the ms writer)

who knows how today will be yet alone tomorrow

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RoyceNewton profile image
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8 Replies
carolek572 profile image

Thoughtful post. Live today like its a present, Royce, and rejoice in all that is :-D

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to carolek572

and not so good ones need not be the end of the your world

carolek572 profile image
carolek572CommunityAmbassador in reply to RoyceNewton

So very true, Royce. Please keep reminding me of that! :-D

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to carolek572

always sis

carolek572 profile image
carolek572CommunityAmbassador in reply to RoyceNewton

Thank you, my friend :-D

twooldcrows profile image

great post ...i also like to walk around with the carts....great way to get my walks you have said we find our own way isn't impossible unless we stop least that is how i feel ...trying it over and over again till i get it done is my way ...hope all are having a great day and looking forward for spring and much happiness....

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to twooldcrows

you are so correct,try it again and again until it works your way

MarkUpnorth profile image

Sitting on the edge of the bed to put your pants on? Ever try jumping up off the floor and quickly getting both legs in before you hit the ground? Yeah, me neither. I use the edge of the bed.....

And shopping cart walkers. Isn't that why they made them? They hope you put things in them. Then buy them! Many a days my cart had nothing. Except when I had to park it outside the bathroom. THEN you have to throw something in so someone doesn't take your cart! Items from the isle closest the bathroom works well, so you can put them back easily!

EVERY DAY you get up is a GREAT DAY!

It's when you don't, you have to worry. If I stayed in bed all day...yeah, too many problems doing that I can think of. Bathrooms, bed sores,..,...,...,...,

Keep on moving! Even if you have to crawl! Okay, I haven't had to do that yet, though there were many days I thought that maybe that would be easier? Wall walking, bouncing off furnature, it's whatever you gotta do! Hint, a void sharp corners. They hurt too much. You're right, this is no race. Except maybe to that next bathroom? Then I don't stop to smell the flowers. But I catch a quick glimpse on my way! I can always go back and smell them after,.......?If I remember?

Speaking of remembering, remember to be thankful when both legs work the same. One relapse, I kept walking into buildings getting to my next estimate. Did that for days. Though always glad I had something to keep me from starting to walk in circles!🙃

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