I know I haven't posted anything in a couple of days but as they say no news is good news. Now for the bad news. I have spent the last couple of days feeling bad again throat hurting more and more red glands swollen more. I still have 3 more days after today of antibiotics. Not sure what to do. I think I will call my neurologist and the nurse from the drug company to see what they want me to do. I haven't been out of the house since Monday. I am not o e that gets out and about a lot but it seems when I don't feel good I want to be out more. One good thing is that I finished another crochet project and started another this one should be finished by tomorrow night. I am so glad that I have this community to reach out to and my crocheting. You all take care
Update sore throat : I know I haven't... - My MSAA Community
Update sore throat

I’m sorry you’re not loads better. Yes, please let your doctors know that you still aren’t better and are worse in some ways. Another antibiotic may be in order.
Please take excellent care of yourself and don’t expose yourself to more illness.
We’d all love to see your crochet projects. You are very skilled!
Get to your doctor as soon as possible. Your tonsils are the gateway to your body, they are our first line of defence against bugs, so please see your doctor. Let us know how you get on, in the meantime, happy crocheting, 🤗
let the doctor that ordered your medication know that it isn't improving your sore throat...stay in touch with the doctors for they need to know it isn't working ...take care ...yes crocheting does help when you can't get out or just a bum day or sick ...love and much happiness...

I am hoping that your throat is feeling better today
Yes call your dr but don’t stop the meds til ur dr says so