Have some awesome news! My federal disability has paid out! We received a payment with back pay this week. Bad news is my company will take all of it away. But that was to be expected, It is because, well long story. That is just how it works. I still get company disability through August with benefits. I called yesterday about all of that and was surprised that on top of my short term that runs out in August, I get extended disability! I drop down to 60% from 70% pay and keep my benefits for another 13 weeks! This is turning out to be the best $4.00 a pay period I ever spent.
I was approved within 60 days of applying for Federal Social Security because of the law firm I don't have to pay for. First time around approval is very rare! So when the company benefits run out, I will be receiving Federal. The good news also is, that since now my insurance runs almost through the end of the year, It gives Kate more time to find a good paying job with benefits, and it will be a shortened wait for Medicare!!!!!!
So, this has been a great week! On top of the financial news. The steroids are starting to help some of my symptoms! Mental symptoms and muscle spasms. Praying that it lasts and helps with some more too!
On top of the above. Our first floor renovation is FINALLY done and over and paid for. Thanks to my family and friends that managed to raise all the money for us so we would not have to go into debt to pay for it!
I truly tell you God is good everyday, and everyday God is good!
Thanks to all of you and all your support, love and prayers!
Thank you,