Thought you’d like to see a pic of one of my cats. I realized I can only post one pic at a time here, so don’t know if it’s ok to post my other two pets separately? If anyone wants to see them, please let me know.
This is Moby and I adopted him when he was only 2 months old from a shelter. He was a tiny little thing sitting in the center of his litter box in kennel and was totally afraid; I don’t blame him.
He is so sweet and fun. Also, an avid bug hunter, which he brings me a dead bug as a gift of affection-Yuck! But I get that he can’t go shopping, lol. Moby is extremely observant of his surroundings almost like an owl 🦉 and very smart. He loves to play with his Sister Cookie and hunt in backyard, but most of the day he naps with me, which cats do. He’s the most unique cat I ever had.
Enjoy! Nikki