Side effects, what are "YOU" willing to put up with? Seriously, what? I put up with headaches, painful injections and a basic feeling of crap for years on interferon Beta 1B(Betaseron). Even worse for my month on Rebif Interferon Beta 1A. None on Tecfidera, and it is a tablet so no needles. Yaay as I have a needle phobia. There are side effects with pretty much everything, especially this condition. Have "YOU" noticed that birth has a guaranteed side effect? A fatal condition. They call it death, guaranteed that if "YOU" live long enough, that "YOU" will die. Let that sink in, really sink in.
Good, "YOU" worked that one out. Does that change your perspective on Disease-Modifying Therapy (DMT), it should. If the DMT will not kill you or at least does not have the risk of killing "YOU, TAKE IT, TAKE IT and do not stop taking one. Change if need be, I most certainly have, but I have never stopped taking it. I do not expect to be cured of this condition. I do not expect to see any changes. What I do expect, perhaps hope for, is to get worse slower, no more, that is good enough for me, and should be for "YOU also.
ms is a chronic, incurable illness that we have. A cure does not exist and likely may not exist in my lifetime, another thirty more years. What does exist is DMT and we should take the strongest that we can get. They do have side effects, but we can persevere and get around them. A good, worthwhile life exists for all of us. Do what "YOU" have to do to live it, and live it ell.
Giving up and crying in that cold dark corner does not have to be your future or ever a part of your ms life. Have a little strength, just a little willpower and LIVE this ms life. "YOU" can do it give it a little time. Limit the silly decisions. Always LOVE yourself, and take care of the favourite person in your life. The one who is always yes "YOU.
Royce *the ms writer)
go look up the criteria for reporting side effects on your medicines