Unnumbered Post Dr Royce Newton 26... - My MSAA Community

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Unnumbered Post Dr Royce Newton 26 Jun 2021

RoyceNewton profile image
13 Replies

Family, Good day to you. Be well and happy t6oday.

For your Observation, that Person above does not exist. I am not your medical professional. I do not know or need to know of your medical history. Talk to your personal health team. Do not follow me off the cliff like lemmings. Read what I write, let it expand your mind, then follow YOUR very own personal decision.

when I was first diagnosed, long ago. There was one, 1. Disease-Modifying Therapy (DMT) available. So I took it. Today there are many, an overwhelming number. If "YOU" are new (a Newby) to this disease, where do "YOU" start. The one that produces the fewest relapses, the one unlikely to lead to premature death. In my opinion, today, Ocrevus. Everybody has an opinion, but if "YOU" are new and overwhelmed, this is what my 20+ years suggests. Keep searching as "YOU" wish but here might be an answer. Disease-Modifying Therapy (DMT) most certainly is and this might be your answer.

I am still not your doctor, TALK to them, and calm yourself a little. This is a very long walk that "YOU" take but "YOU will get through it and live a good life.

Royce (your ms writer and Brother)

take your DMT, live long and well

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13 Replies
twooldcrows profile image

another great talk ..thank you for your thoughts ,they are from what you have experienced and that really has helped so much to understand some of this diseases actions...love and much happiness is always my way of coping when it gets me down is laughter and smile and if really bad can cry but i don't do that much anymore ...just enjoy my life for what it is and go on ....i love life and love to enjoy it ...take care and do what makes you happy and at peace for no one else can ...i suppose i am one of those they are talking about too much happiness ...ahahahahahahh...ha we all do what helps us cope right ...be proud ...

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to twooldcrows

Thank you, as always you are too kind, you have a great....

wolfmom21fl profile image
wolfmom21fl in reply to twooldcrows

Is there such a thing as "too much" happiness? I think not.. just sayin'. If something makes you happy and keeps you in a positive mood to do battle against this disease then I do not think it is a bad thing, unless it's illegal of course,, but too much? no.. i don't think so.. LOL

twooldcrows profile image
twooldcrows in reply to wolfmom21fl

thank you for there have been comments on the web that say there is too much trying to make people happy and i don't think so but there is always someone that think it is bad i guess for there life is so bad ...i am sorry that others do have it really bad but thinking nasty isn't going to make it better i know and know others are really bad and their lives are bed ridden or worst but i still think having happiness in there lives would still make it happier ...happiness to all know matter what is going on in there lives ...i know from past things in my life and it is better to make life happier by yourself to make it better and for all that are having to deal with you their lives happier ...love and much happiness....i hope i haven't hurt anyone's feelings for that isn't my way in life for we do all have it different even if they don't have a disease like MS there are others ...i will stop before i make it worst ...sorry for hurting any body ...

wolfmom21fl profile image
wolfmom21fl in reply to twooldcrows

you have not hurt my feelings.. i was just making an observation.. like someone saying "you are having too much fun" Is that something that is even possible either? I dont think there is a possibility of having too much happiness.. If you are happy and comfortable, then by all means live your best life. I am all for that.. I have not seen or heard anyone say that there is too much happiness but then again, i dont have a life and dont get out much. I agree tho that most people that look down on happy people are the ones that are miserable in their own skin. I have MDD (major depressive disorder) which i have battled most of my life. It does not go away or get better over time. Mine is coupled with SAD (seasonal affective disorder) and also what the docs label as "crap out syndrome" which basically means i will find an anti-depressant that works well for a while.. maybe 2-3 years and then it just stops working.. no rhyme or reason and no way to tell how long it will work or when it will stop but it does.. and i have been on so many different ones now i have lost count. From the beginning of the SSRI movement when Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft were the only options up til now when there are dozens of choices.. prior to that i was taking the old school tricyclic anti depressants.. Is this related to MS? IDK.. could be.. possibly.. damage to an area in my brain that regulates mood.. IDK.. when i was dx'd there were close to 200 lesions in my brain.. anything is possible.. I had be4en having symptoms since my late 20's and that was when i really started getting badly depressed so yeah.. its possible..

twooldcrows profile image
twooldcrows in reply to wolfmom21fl

we all do what we have to do to enjoy our lives ....hope you can enjoy it for what it is for you ....love and much happiness ...being alive...

Neworleanslady profile image

I hope so, i just started Ocrevus

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to Neworleanslady

I hope it woriks well for you and not to many side effects

Neworleanslady profile image

After failing several others

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to Neworleanslady

sometimes it takes a while to find the right DMT, good luck this time

Neworleanslady profile image

😀 thank you!

wolfmom21fl profile image

My huge concern right now is finding a DMT that does not lower my white counts the way Mayzent did. I have other health condition, COPD among others, that put me risk for things when my white counts are so low. Mayzent had my counts so low I would not be able to fight my way out of a common cold, let alone something major like a bronchitis situation. I have landed in the hospital more than once with pneumonia even after getting 2 pneumococcal vaccines in the last 10 years. Most recent was just over a year ago. My counts got so low on Mayzent that when I had an abscessed tooth, My immune system could not fight off the infection with 2000 mg a day of penicillin AND while i was taking that i developed a couple of things that should have never happened while i was on anti-biotics.. I had a huge pimple come up INSIDE my nostril.. it was so large it blocked the nostril. This was mid course of the antibiotics. I have never had so many issues with my skin as i have had since i have been on this drug. I stopped taking it when I had the abscess because I was not responding to the antibiotics. My system had not to work with to help the antibiotics do the job.. my Lymphocytes were in the 400 range and overall white counts were at 4K.. way too low.. I was isolated in my apartment with no one visited and i was going no where because of fear... fear of contact with people. fear of contracting something. fear of everything. Everything that entered my home was sanitized with mist of 91% alcohol or microban spray.. depending what it was.. everything was handled with gloves then washing hands before and after gloves donned and removed. Over a year i lived like this. Still kinda am but I am not in fear like i was.. I guess my question is this... Is there a DMT that does not lower white counts to the extreme that Mayzent did? I have been on Aubagio, Tecfidera, Tysabri and then the Mayzent.. not in that order.. But my JCV titers are rising with each check as well.. so that eliminates some of the DMTs for me.. but seriously.. Tysabri was magical for me.. i wish i could still be on that one.. but the JCV thing knocked me off that.. Ocrevus i am asking about.. Does this one knock the white counts down hard the way Mayzent does? When you look at the websites for these drugs they make everything seem like a bed of roses.. thorn less ones.. until you are on the drug.. then it's truly painful

twooldcrows profile image


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