My MS has kicked my butt since July. It has caused hives, sickness, and hospitals. Every time I get sick I end up in the hospital for a week because my legs stop working. Does anyone else end up going to the hospital when their legs stop working? On the positive side, I have made friends with every nurse at the hospital since I keep going in there every couple of weeks.
Does this happen to anyone else? - My MSAA Community
Does this happen to anyone else?

Sorry you have had such a crappy run. I’ve never been admitted and never lost full function of anything but an eye. Glad to hear that! It makes return visit more comfortable knowing you have a friend on the inside.
Sounds like a really rough time. I'm sorry you've been going through it. I had about 2-3 days in which I couldn't use my legs during the relapse, but it was before I could get in to see a neurologist. In many ways, I'm glad I was able to just deal with it at home, but it sounds as though you needed to be in the hospital.
It's always a good thing to good relationships in any area of life, but having them with those who take care of us is extra important! Those folks will go the extra mile for us!
Have you changed DMTs?
Stay well!
Sorry. I've had a gazillion relapses of all different kinds, normally simply reporting them to my neurologists. The only time I went to the hospital was initially before being diagnosed with M.S., when I went to an optometrist for vision problems, who sent me to a neurologist?, Yes, I saw an ophthalmologist too. But the second time I got optic neuritis, my neurologist put me in the hospital, and tried to "restart" my immune system using heavy duty steroids, an attempted thing back in those days? I've had optic neuritis many, many times. No big deal. Last couple just reported them after the fact having gone through all the fancy tests...but basically always doing nothing more than waiting them out, then seeing the residual damage done. Nothing to really do for them. Neuro's want to treat, Ophthal's don't like treating...
Regarding you....I'm no doctor, but from a family from whom everyone seems to get major reactions to just about every medication, would make me start pondering any medications (or foods), especially medication changes? I personally am not allergic to any medications, but everyone close to me......yeah, well another story. My dad almost died from penicillin, mom was allergic to......, My son got alergic reactions to....and..and...and...and...get the idea?
Never gotten hives or "sickness" from M.S. Yes I've gotten sick OF M.S., as I'm sure most of us, if not all of us with M.S. have. But even that one can get over after you just learn to live with the fact that life's going to be a bit different from now on. Understatement?
In Jan my legs gave out completely and I was in the hospital from 1/26/19-2/11/19. The week before that I started having issues with my legs I was having a hard time bending them.
The only time my legs gave out was right before I was diagnosed. Note: Never ride a bike when your legs are going to give out.
Sorry to hear you are going thru so much. I haven't been hospitalized yet but I have problems with my right leg. It is crazy. I found out that I have more lesions on the right side of my spinal cord. Now I see why my leg gets so stiff, tight, numb, toes tingle and more. I am tired of this life long disease and I'm just getting started.