Okay my own fault of course. I wanted to fly on the Boeing 787, and the only airline that had it was Air Canada, so off to Vancouver we go. A very nice airport, clean toilets which of course is critically important having ms. I do have my priorities in place for some things. Well the wait was okay, but seriously what was I thinking a three hour flight to Vancouver a five hour layover then a twelve+ hour flight to Australia.
Do not get me wrong, the seat was comfortable enough and the cockpit was wayyy cool. Being a former pilot I like that type of stuff. I never would have thought that I would ever see a Heads up display (HUD) on a civilian commercial airliner but I did. Again pretty cool stuff. As usual in cattle class they never feed you enough, and I really hate those side cabin toilets. It would be fine if you were sitting down but having to stand u to pee. I did not know that my neck bent like that. Thankfully they had some middle of the cabin stand up straight ones that I could use. Of course I had my trusty Depends(protective underwear) boy they way a ton when filled. I really feel sorry for babies. I have new found admiration for them. Usually I just leak a bit so no problem, but on a twelve+ hour flight, suffice to say I am glad I had several spares and zip lock bags to put the used ones in.
Well you are not feed and watered like you used to be and I think they wereanot enough cabin crew. The ones they did have were very nice, a couple young ladies quite attractive. Always a good thing on long flights. They filled in my customs forms for me without any problems or questions. I feel that the customs people should actually be able to read the form so somebody else should fill it in for me. All good getting home, but I am so glad I use wheelchair assistance. I would have been hard pressed to walk that far and stand inline and collect my bags and walk out of the terminal and then walk at the pick up area. Small blessings, take help when ever you can. Embarrassing to have to be picked up off the floor from over exertion.
So it was a nice trip down. I nice visit with her neighbours. Glad I got to see one chap who died of liver cancer while I was there. He had been dying for awhile and I knew he did not have much time left. Good to say good bye and wish his wife the best. Anyway great visit. I really do like spending time with my mother. At my age you would expect I was less of a mommas boy, but I really do like her cooking and we had many cups of tea and long chats.
Do you remember I mentioned falling over. Of course I did upon departure. I think I turned to quickly and started to move. Anyway Brisbane has hard foors. I did not break anything but was very sore all the way back home. Say nothing about causing people around me to have heart attacks. I know better I just do not always do better. Pig headed stubborn bloke that I am.
Finally back at my desk and I have so much stuff to do. She who must be obeyed moved everything so now I have to sneakily put things back the way I remember it. I am not sure why she does that must be a woman thing, come to think f it my mother sometimes does that. Not often as a former nurse she knows how things should be organized. Everything in its correct place.
I am here now so back to work, just have to go to the bank and start planning the next trip. I am thinking a family trip to the West Indies (Caribbean) visit my cousins who I have not seen in thirty years.
Until t6omorrow stay smiling