Post 540 Not every day has to be a battl... - My MSAA Community

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Post 540 Not every day has to be a battle, fight, choose your word 12 Oct 2019

RoyceNewton profile image
9 Replies

Most wars and conflicts do not last thirty and forty years with constant conflict every day. ms does, do "YOU" realize what that means. Are "YOU" up to a lifetime of fighting this illness? Seriously think about that, are "YOU"? I know most certainly, I am not. I take my Disease-Modifying Therapy (DMT) tablet every twelve hours, I exercise, not as much as I should. I attempt to stay healthyish. Knowing in the end what the result will be, but I do not need to hasten that end, and neither do "YOU"

There are resources to help me, and to this day I still use them. You Tube Dr AAron Boster. The learning and constant change never stops with ms. I accept that and realize that I am managing my condition, not fighting it.

Slowly, learn your ms. How it affects "YOU". Most certainly "YOU" are much more capable than others give "YOU" credit for and believe "YOU" can achieve. Secret here, if "YOU" practise, try, fail a little "YOU" can do much more than "YOU" give yourself credit for. Because "YOU" have this condition, there is no need ever to limit yourself. Fail first, fail spectacularly, but make an attempt at least once.

ms asks a lot of "YOU, sorry demands a lot of "YOU". That cold dark corner and tears are always there. To some degree "YOU" will visit it. Be aware of that. ms demands that of us, visit as briefly as "YOU" can but NEVER EVER stay. Learn how "YOU" can make your visits brief, what "YOU" can do to make them less frequent. Do not fear the dark merely carry a pack of matches to light the darkness for "YOU". Twenty years and I still visit that dark, cold corner. Thankfully I have learned not to fear it. It just IS and like ms it is BECAUSE.

ms is dark BECAUSE it affects my brain and ms just IS because it is a Homo Sapien affliction and I am Homo Sapien so why not me. I make no judgement, I merely manage my circumstance and do my best to live it in the best way that I can. Ask why a little less, and more "how can I manage this", and carry a box of matches to light the darkness.

ms affects us all differently, and how we manage, it is different. What works for one may not work for another. What I say may not make very much sense at first, but perhaps it will put an idea in your head. A way that "had not occurred to "YOU" to manage a situation. Another tool in your toolbox. As "YOU" travel through your very long life with ms, the4re will be many tools along your path. Collect them "YOU" never know when they might be useful, and if they get to heavy drop them just remember where they are. Go back and get them if ever "YOU" need them.

Royce (the ms writer)

Have good day be good to yourself

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RoyceNewton profile image
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9 Replies
twooldcrows profile image

another great job....have a wonderful day and enjoy life and happiness...

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to twooldcrows

thank you very much

kycmary profile image

Hi Royce good to see that you are in good form. Hope you had a good weekend. Mary

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to kycmary

Thank you I did and you as well I hope

carolek572 profile image

Adapt is the key to managing this 'ms'. Good post :-D

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to carolek572

listen to Carl she has a good idea

carolek572 profile image
carolek572CommunityAmbassador in reply to RoyceNewton

Carl who? :-D

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to carolek572

sorry I meant carolek572, oh that is you

carolek572 profile image
carolek572CommunityAmbassador in reply to RoyceNewton

Maybe? Just teasing :-D

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