Good Morning my ms sisters and brothers. I hope “YOU” are all well today and had a good nights sleep. Do “YOU” have an Alexa? Perhaps have it play soothing sounds too quiet your mind. Something to put “YOU at ease. This illness is not something to be terrified of. As best “YOU” can find a way to be mentally at ease. This is a disease with many many questions and very few answers. Relax, accept that. I know that is hard but for your own peace of mind “YOU” have to learn slowly to accept that. Everything I feel happens for a reason. Typically the reason is beyond me. Perhaps I am here to write three words to help “YOU” maybe something else. Perhaps “YOU” are here to here for those three words and perhaps pass them along. There are so many questions and so few answers. Be at ease with your situation, your illness, yourself. Do not fight your ms, do not look at every day as a battle that “YOU” must-win. 20+ years with Relapsing-Remitting ms (RR ms) I am pretty sure that every time I fought it I lost.
I think that maybe “YOU” will also. Perhaps “YOU” are better than me. I am merely an ordinary man, nothing great or good about me, but perhaps there is something GREAT about “YOU”. Slow down a little, let that greatness come out. Percolate throughout your body and slowly come to a strong steady boil inside “YOU”. Let it course through your body and say NO ms, not me. I am going to do everything in my power to thwart you. I am going to take my Disease-Modifying therapy (DMT) every day without let up. I understand that I may not be able to see its effects, but I know it is thwarting you a little. I will exercise a little and eat better. I will stay as healthy as I can and maybe in 20 years time “YOU” will still be walking to the mailbox.
Perhaps not, but “YOU” are comfortable with that. Not happy and joyful about any loss that “YOU” may have, but accepting and comfortable. I do not ask “YOU” to be happy, joyful about contracting, developing RRms. It is a shock. It will continue to be a shock for many years. It is a progressive disease, the damage it causes in our body will accumulate over your years. What “YOU” once could do, “YOU” may find that “YOU” can not do anymore, this is the nature of the illness we face. We take DMT to slow it down, NOT stop it. Nothing stops it, I guess maybe death, but I do not know that and I am in no hurry to find out. “YOU” and I will just manage our ms the best way that we can. We will make mistakes’ we are human after all. We are NOT perfect, mistakes are inevitable, but over time we can all learn to become at ease with our particular ms. Certainly not happy about it, but at ease with it.
I strongly do NOT recommend fighting your RRms. “YOU” my ms sibling will lose. it is a battle, a war that we can not win. Learn to be at ease with it. Accept what it will inevitably do to your body BUT know in your heart of hearts, in the pit of your belly that “YOU” will be okay. Different, but okay. This will not crush “YOU”, just change your life plan a little, but “YOU” can have a good and happy life. Find a purpose for yourself. Your first step is finding a DMT that “YOU” will take and start planning your future. After all “YOU” have one, this is not the end of “YOU”.
Royce (your ms writer and brother)
NO, this is not your end, it is a very strange new beginning,but you will be okay.