Recently I've fallen down twice, I think it was due to my (left) foot drop. It's getting worse. I have an AFO but I hate it. I decided to put it on. What I have discovered is my toes are dropping and causing a huge problem. Anyone else have this problem?? What did you do about it?
Foot Drop?: Recently I've fallen down... - My MSAA Community
Foot Drop?

Hi DebbyLou, yeah I too have that problemo whenever I walk way
too much, my Left foot starts dropping & my toes feels weird/bizzaro numb... I use my Green Lotus Hemp cream, (Freeze), soon wanting to get heat too, & massage it into my toes, foot & L. Thigh, it seems to help alot.... I hope this helps.👍😍😄 Blessings to ya!💐🌷---🌹💜Jazmine Rose
Hello Debbylou, I also have foot drop (right) I use a bioness stimulater it really helps very expensive tho. GOOD LUCK!
@jbahnan Hi there. I've seen pictures of people wearing the Bioness. It looks less cumbersome and that could be worth the $$. Would a person still need their walker?
I wear my AFO it's better then falling. My right foot drags when I don't wear it.
I wear my AFO too, but I have fallen with it on twice already anyway.
@Fwczs Dang! You may have made the same erroneous assumption I did. I thought using an AFO would mean no more walker! WRONG! How are you making out now??? Bless you!
The other way around, DebbyLou. I got the AFO first, about a year ago, and completely forgot how to walk. So holding on to people and walls in public and now have a walker at home. But are you seriously considering bioness?
@IFwczs Yes, I have been seriously considering looking into it. Do you have something you'd like to share?
Yes, DebbyLou, I was seriously considering bioness. But my husband won't let me get it. He says it will kill the nerve when it zaps the leg. Yes, there is muscle atrophy resulting from the regular AFO. And there are shoes issues. But I think it is still a better option for us considering we don't have too many undamaged nerves. We just need to exercise the muscle more.
Thanks for the info. I might be a little less excited. I was going to call them today. Maybe I'll just stick with this hard, hot, uncomfortable, miserable to put on, and difficult to walk in AFO. Sidebar: Also I feel the need to mention, how totally feminine (sexy) it looks with a nice outfit and sneakers! Simply another awesome aspect to look forward to.
My mom was even trying to pay for bioness. And I am just as sick of the old AFO as all of us. But what my husband says makes sense. Unfortunately. We just need to keep the muscles exercised.
Hi DebbyLou ,
I know that it is not the easiest thing to accessorize! I am pretty much left with wearing stretch black pants, and I wear my AFO under them.
You mentioned that it is hard, hot, uncomfortable, and miserable. Mine is as well, but to alleviate all that, I wear a smartknit sock (yes, that is what it is called), and then put on under my AFO. This sock stays up, wicks away moisture, and makes the AFO bearable for me. You can find it on I hope that this helps.
Keep Smiling,
Bless you for taking the time to figure out my problem with this AFO. I will try what works for you and "suck up" the rest. xxoo
Hello DebbyLou
I am here participating in this forum trying to help other members when I can, as best that I can. If you have any issue, please reach out to others in this forum, and someone will probably answer on what works for them. Venting, ranting, screaming, whining, allowed (I do it from time to time), so no need to 'suck' it up if you don't have to. I am just coping with this 'ms' and I don't have all the answers. So, I ask for a little help from my forum friends. Whatever you do, always let your doctor(s) know what is going on first.
Keep Smiling and Stay Strong,
Have you seen your Dr. If not you should.
Hope you feel better.
Hi I have had foot drop for 14 + years be very careful I also have a AFO make sure it’s tight against leg or it will not do what it is supposed to do. You might want to use a cane so it will catch you before you fall and when you use a cane you use it on your good leg. You should go see your neurologist and let him know what is going on with you so that he can help you out. He may even send to a physical therapist they have a great bunch of ideas to give you. Love like making sure you AFO is set up right because once you is AFO you need to have your opposite foot balanced meaning you may need a lift put in the heal of that shoe so that you are not lopsided. Some thing I didn’t even think of. Good thing I found out because I was walking lopsided and my hip was not even with my other side.
Good luck!

An AFO is there to assist you in walking by preventing your foot from dragging its toes. I have been using one since 2009, and it has presented issues. One ~ I have to wear bigger shoes so that the AFO can be worn comfortably. Two ~ gone are fancy heels. Three ~ I have noticed muscle atrophy of my affected calf. I exercise my leg so that I don't have too much muscle atrophy. Four ~ I used a cane before AFO, and I continue to use a cane after AFO.
I would suggest that you go see a physical therapist because they could give you tips on how to benefit from use of your AFO, your walker/cane together. It helped me a lot.
Keep Smiling,