Hi! My name is Brian I'm 43 & I was diagnosed with RRMS in 04' . I just want to tell everyone to be careful & take your time walking especially with stairs if you have drop foot. I wear an AFO but tripped walking carrying a glass bottle & cut a muscle in my forearm six tendons and a nerve in my wrist! Stepping over things or walking like you've been doing your whole life isn't as easy as it use to be.
Drop foot: Hi! My name is Brian I'm 43 & I... - My MSAA Community
Drop foot

Hi Brian, thanks for the warning. I have drop foot and trip up a lot, my brain tells me to move my foot, but my reaction is very slow, so I trip. I am sorry about your forearm, and wrist, were they able to repair you back to full movement? Again thank you Cheers Jimeka
Oh, Sickboy516, this is MSFighter welcoming you to our chat room. I am so sorry that you put such a severe cut on your arm and did nerve damage in your wrist. That was the very last thing you need it to have to be dealing with while you're fighting your MS. When I do too much and fatigue set in I drag my feet really bad. I do not know how many falls I can contribute to my drop feet. In the morning I also drag them very bad. I always have a cane in my hand to help with balance when I catch a foot. On bad days the walker comes out and on the really bad days I use my wheelchair. Will you have to go through additional surgeries to repair the tendon damage in your arm and the nerve damage in your wrist? Please do not be a stranger to this chat room. It is expanding at a very rapid rate. I would love to keep up with your recovery on your arm and wrist. Please remember that together we are stronger! I invite you to become our newest MS Warrior. As a MS Warrior, we never give up and we never give in, we just keep fighting this dreaded disease we call MS.
Yikes! That's a nasty fall, Brian. I've tripped many times, especially while going upstairs. But fortunately, I've not injured myself as badly as you have. Wishing you a quick and full recovery. One word of advice: take care to watch your non-AFO foot, too. I've often been so focused on lifting my right foot (with AFO), that my left foot doesn't clear the step and I go down because of that.
Hi Brian, Ouch! I have drop foot too, it is very easy to take a tumble. I pretty much use walker inside and have a pouch on it to carry things. However, it would be easy to upset the cart and self and goods go tumbling out! Hope you mend ok. How many stitches to put you back together?
Hi Brian, I had drop foot too, wore an AFO, then later because of back pain insisted on an LS spine MRI and they found a cyst on my spinal cord. Had surgery. Drop foot better unless I'm tired or over heated. Then my right leg/foot drag until I've rested. So I guess the drop foot was multi-factorial.
I wish you a very speedy recovery! 🤕
Sorry to hear that. Hope your feeling better. My drop foot left September 2nd. Before my 4 month anniversary.

Hi Sickboy516 Welcome to the best chat ever! So sorry about your arm and wrist, not good! I truly hope that in time you will get function back. Because it sounds like it's going to take alot of PT to get it moving again. I also wear AFO'S and still watch every step l take. I remember when I first got them l was crawling up the stairs. I could go down ok but not up. There is nothing on the floor that l can trip on and even my dog knows to move. Have tripped over him twice ugh lol Now he knows better
Welcome again
My husband has this condition. What is an AFO?
An AFO is an ankle foot orthotic. There are 2 major types. One is a unit molded to fit your calf and foot It is a hard plastic or plastic type material. It fits on the backside of your calf and lifts the foot. The other style is a light weight brace. It has a foot pad and a post that is molded into the footrest and goes to the upper end. it is held in place by 2 Velcro straps. It also helps lift the foot.
An AFO is an ankle-foot orthotic you wear on the foot that drops. It extends up almost to your knee. When you lift your leg, the affected foot comes up at the same time enabling you to walk up stairs. I find it necessary to hold on to a banister going up or down. If there is no banister and there is a person, he/she goes down one step before me and I hold on to the person's shoulder. It's really a team effort. Sometimes, in public areas where there is no banister, I will find another way to traverse the area. I also use a cane which helps with balance but is not a wonderful tool for stairs.
Hope this helps...Ellen P.
Look in to getting a Walk Aide. Started with one on my right leg, now have two. Prescription from your doctor needed. Received from Hanger Orthodists. Walkaides have changed my life, electroides make your foot lift as you walk. You still have to be careful, but I have walked tremendous lengths without falling.
Welcome to this warm and wonderful place. I'm so sorry about your fall and the problems that ensued.
I am saddened to learn that these types of things have happened, especially to such lovely people. I am grateful, however, as one newly diagnosed, that folks share their experiences. Because you and others do share, I can be aware of things I might not otherwise think about. I've always walked at 90 mph, but I've slowed down even on good days to prevent a fall.
Many prayers and wishes for a quick recovery for you.
Sickboy516 Hi Brian. Thanks for the warning. There seems to be a lot of warnings and don't since getting this disease. I hope you recover soon.🤕
Hi Brian, I know where you are coming from. Years ago, 2005-06 when I was still working, before I got my AFO, I used to trip on even blacktop in parking lots. I would look for a break in the asphalt but never found it. I never really got physically hurt, but I did get embarrassed. I got my AFO in 2008 after my diagnosis in 2007 and again in 2008.
Mine neither, but they have GE CareCredit where you can pay it off interest free!
I have fallen over my own foot and 'toed' a few steps - it can happen quite randomly when I'm not expecting it. Sorry to hear the disaster your accident has ended up as - and your natural left hand is now out of commission ! I have found, since my natural right arm has weakened that my left one has quite naturally joined in to help out and has become more dexterous as a result. Hopefully this may happen with you.
Wishing you a speedy recovery, Angela x
Sorry to hear about your fall. Drop foot (when it starts) is a rude awakening as most of us know. To those that don't know or have not experienced it, PLEASE be careful! I was on the way down the steps one day and my right foot dropped and... you guessed it. Down I went. I use a cane a lot when out, but the bannisters in the house have saved me...most of the time. Don't get careless or in a hurry! Luckily I did not do any serious damage like you did. I was just lucky not to have things in my hands or anything in the way. Hope you are doing better every day.
Hi Heathera, If I'm aware that I'm going through a bad phase with foot/legs, I find it easier/safer to go up and down stairs sideways, one at a time, rather than head on. It also slows you down and makes you have to 'think' more, which helps prompt you to consciously lift legs higher. My sister's stairs are really steep - I often go up these on all fours if muscles are tired or I'm in a hurry to reach the bathroom ! : ) x
I'm with you angelite used to do the all 4's on the stairs all the time. Until l could learn to walk again. I still go up and down sideways, as you said you go slower and l watch were every foot goes. I also moved to a different apt. That has only 3 steps. No more stairs, way to unsafe for me.
Have to say the funniest thing that happened tho was when l was on a porch swing, and went to get up, my feet were still under the swing and l went face first lol you have a tendency to remember after that lol
You have a great attitude being able to laugh! I guess we will be looking at selling the house and moving into a one floor place. If only I had known a year ago how this was going to progress I would have looked into buying my late parents house-which was all set up for wheelchair access, 1 floor, 2 baths etc.... I did not know that MS was my problem then-had no clue, only that something was WRONG and it was getting worse.
Yeah, i have been going up the steps on all fours at times. (haha-my 2 year-old grandson never did this!) My husband is installing another railing on the other side of the steps for me right now. That upstairs bathroom-in a one bath house is a BAD WORD! That's what we have. I am going to have to try the sideways route-never thought of it. I have about 8 steps, a small landing, a turn then 4 more steps. That turn is really hard. If I hang on to the railing and don't make it, I am afraid I'll fall and break my arm because of the way I have to hang onto it. This is awful. Can't stand to be sitting all the time, but can't get up and walk safely either. I just want to scream and cry!
Then scream and cry heathera1 you have the right to your feelings! And let's face it, not every day is a good day.
I am sorry that you might have to move tho I'm sure it's a hard decision to make.
Does sound like you need to use your cane more tho? Also maybe ck out what WAshingtongirl uses. She had crutches? And ck out the Bionesss that Kj9681 has. Just some ideas
As far as my attitude? I learned along time ago, that if you can't change the situation, you might as well go with it. What else can ya do. Lol
Hang in there Heather! BTW l love your name, it's mydaughter's name ♡