Who has seen any positive results with yoga? I have been practicing for a year, but rather irregularly due to primarily instructor's unavailability. I have not seen many results.
Thank you.
Who has seen any positive results with yoga? I have been practicing for a year, but rather irregularly due to primarily instructor's unavailability. I have not seen many results.
Thank you.
I used to practice Hot (Bikram) Yoga for years, way before my MS diagnosis. Now with MS, I actually do yoga poses in my house as often as possible. I do feel it helps overall with keeping your body flexible and connected. It helps with balance. It helps with relaxing. Overall, the benefits from yoga that I used to get prior to MS are even greater now that I have MS. Just my own opinion and experience...
I think I may give it a try now autumn is on its way, I certainly need help with balance. Blessings Jimeka 🦋
With MS, I cannot do Hot Yoga anymore but I've never done any other form of Yoga. Just like you, maybe I'll give it a try to Vinyasa or whatever else I can find.
Right now, I like to practice the tree, the rabbit, and a few other poses. Using the names of the poses makes it a bit fun (I tend to get easily bored with workout routines).
I practice yoga 2 to 3 times a week. I see a noticeable difference in my spasticity and ability to walk when I miss a week or two...
Oh my! I walk out of every yoga class with a normal walk. Unfortunately it doesn’t last but that realization that I’m not thinking about my walking for even a moment is beautiful.
I’ve been trying to do yoga on my own with YouTube videos from adaptive yoga for MS and yoga with Adrienne so that I can augment the weekly class I attend.
The class cameraderie (senior gentle yoga class - so no yogi competiveness) and the awesome instructor are def better than the u tube tho.
I think who teaches it can make a difference.
There is also a DVD for yoga for MS. It's from one of the MS societies. Please let me know if you need me to look up which one.
Sure, I would like the name if u can find it.
It is "MYMSYOGA with Baron Baptiste and Dr. Elliot Frohman - Yoga for People with Multiple Sclerosis." I got it for free when I was diagnosed 4 or 5 years ago from MS Foundation. It is no longer available there, but it is available on amazon.