I want to say something about the spirituality debate. You don't believe in God? That's okay but why is it so important for many of you to mock those of us that do? If we're wrong, what have we lost when we die? Nothing! How does our faith in Jesus Christ bring you any harm? You think it makes me stupid? Gullible? Ignorant? That's okay too. How does that affect you? If you're wrong your consequence is far worse. I would rather live my life believing in God and serving Him, and find out I was right, than not believe in Him and not serve Him, and find out I was wrong. Then it's too late. I am not ashamed!!! I believe in Jesus Christ!!! "But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven." Matthew 10:33
To believe or not. It's your personal de... - My MSAA Community
To believe or not. It's your personal decision.

Well said. Blessings Jimeka 🦋
Agreed very well said.

We DON'T debate in here Chameleon3 ☺️ and religion is a hot topic that is, to each there own. And there own personal choice!
No one here ever criticizes ANYONE for there beliefs or not.
I am sorry. You must not read it very carefully. It wasn't a question to be put up for debate. As a matter of fact, the first line says " want to say something about the spirituality debate. You don't believe in God? That's okay"

Nothing will ever sway my belief in my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Praying with my Pastor & giving it to God has allowed me to remain optimistic in my journey with MS. We are each free to believe in whatever we choose. 😊😊
My two cents... The world is just so broken. People like to be part of "us" and "not them." Instead of seeing commonalities and things we can all love and celebrate, many folks prefer to dig their heals in and stir up conflict. We've become a world of judgement and entitlement. Nobody ever wins approval through bullying or shaming, though. If anything, it turns people off. Some people just like to argue. One thing about this group, though, is it really seems to center around caring for one another...regardless of our different backgrounds and beliefs. I like that.
Hello Tink. You are right, the world is a mess. You have to understand the grand design. The Creator created everything to be in balance. In nature, everything relies on something else to survive, thrive, and reproduce. Including us as humans. We rely on animals and plants to eat, rivers and lake for water. The salt water of the ocean to create our weather. The plants to create oxygen for us to breath. There is balance in all nature as well as man's nature. There has to be good as well as evil. One can not exist without the other. If there was no evil, we would not appreciate the good. If there were no good, we would not fear the evil. It is simple. People ask why God or Jesus won't stop all the hatred and fear we have for each other and no one can know why that hasn't happened. The bible says God created the earth in 7 days. Scientists say we evolved and fight over which is true. I say why can't both be true. Does religion actually believe that God, Allah, Budda, or whatever you want to call our Creator is actually bound t the circulation on the world be built. I think not. Who is t say how much of our time has to pass to equal a "day" (which is man's words not his). But what if a day equals billions of our years? May be we are still on the 7th day and he is still resting. Who knows. That sounds simplistic but no man can know the will of God. He will do what is best. He is the "Father" and fathers know what is best for their children.
My 2 cents. Spend them wisely.
In another part of the bible, I forget where, but it says that 1000 years is but a blink in the eyes of God. I did the math one day using the average time it takes a human to blink. Brought those fractions of a second up to a full second. Then multiplied that by 60 for a minute, then again by 60 for an hour. Finally multiplying that by 24 for a full day. The math showed that a day in the eyes of God is equal to billions of years for humans. That would make both evolution and biblical creation both right. Also not to be persnickety God created everything in 6 days and rested on the 7th day.
I've had this conversation with more than one atheist who tried to attack me for my beliefs. They really tend not to like it when you throw science, math, and logic back at them...prove to me God doesn't exist...they never can.😉
My roommate and I in college invited some Mormons who came to our place to "save" us into our home to have discussion about religion. Our views vs. theirs. ha ha About midnight, they were all but clawing to get away!!! It was a blast. I do not believe in man made religion. I do my praying many time on the fly. Most are "just thanking you" prayers. The bible says the Jesus can be found everywhere, and "not in some brick and mortar building." I do not attend church very often unless it is for spiritual advice with my job.
My Dad was the son of a Methodist and Presbyterian preacher. My Dad used to love messing with the Jehovah's Witness people that came to the door all the time.
I don't regularly attend church services anymore either. I believe what I believe and will discuss or debate anything with anyone as long as I don't get the impression that I'm being attacked for my beliefs. In which case I will either defend myself in anyway that I see fit or roll my eyes at you, turn and walk away. Rolling my eyes at people tends to tick people off though. 😊
Hi Chameleaon...I am thankful for Him having my back so many times, seeing a new baby, oh they are so cool....but I believe also that those who dont believe aren't in trouble because we are all his..No matter what a child may choose, you still love.Not consider them a gonner..I am only here because of Him,,,but agency of choices is so beautiful.Chat is a good vehicle.
The smile and the laugh of a baby is proof enough to me that their is, in fact, a God who makes perfect people. It the live this baby if forced to live that make the person, but the baby is flawless. I love babies. I hope I am still around to hold and play with my grandchildren. We had ours so late in life. Many of my high school friends are grandparents and my boys are just starting college and high school.
Chameleon, this is said in Love to u, not Debate k, 💗😍we all whom believe in a True Creator have an awesome means of invisible support.👍😀 & boy if one doesn't believe, they'd surely better be right that there isn't One (Creator Elohim YHVH) & There is a Six Day Law/instruction, HE Created the Earth in Six Days =only 6,000 years, anything more is completley impossible.2 Peter 3:8..according to Real Hebrew Biblical Science.... The Seventh Day will always be Saturday,Friday eve sundown, HE never Changes that's HIS Day of Rest (Sabbath/Shabbat) for us all , & if one would Truly Study HIS Scriptural Hebrew Ways, then One can Truly Know HIM& HIS Son, YAHSHUA Acts 4:12 in The True Relationship that HE Wants w/us all. Being Spiritual, & Kingdom minded (Romans 12:2) is far better than being religious. Religion postpones HIS Kingdom.
May HE Bless You with His Chochmah/Wisdom. Shalom/Peace
Blessings & Love To ya!🙏😍👍💖---Jazz🌹💜
I've have seen, herd and experienced far to many times on life for me to NOT believe in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Im right there with ya brother. Every single moment of every single day, no matter the challenges, my walking, talking and drawing breath is a miracle of his design. I've faced death on my doorstep to many times to not know the truth. God bless you, for blessed are the peace makers (officers) for they shall be children of God.
I truly believe that god cares only for what is in a man's heart. Now what he does, but what he feels. His propensity for good or evil. That is what matters. I don't hold the Bible to be exactly correct as it is written today. You see, I speak 3 languages and even today there are words that don't exactly translate. So for a book that was written by fallible men 2000 yrs ago. How accurate can it be translated hundreds if not thousands of times.
This is too much. How about we talk about politics? LOL
LOL! 😀I totally agree it has been mistranslated, from the Original Hebrew😀 & Yes, HIS Torah/Instructons are written on our Hearts Hebrews 8: & 10: matches with Jeremiah 31: So, yep HE does watch out what is in our Hearts (HIS Instructions) on of How to Live, the 10 Commandments are All Part of it, First four are HOW to Love HIM, the other 6 are how to Love our Fellow Men/Women (neighbors) just as Yahshua said the two hang with the Torah & Prophets., So, Yes It is all about Our Hearts & Choices. G*D damns no one, they damn themselves on the choices they make in this life's (Kingdom) jouney.💗👍🙏😍💖Much Love, Prayers & Blessings for Ya!---Jazz🌹💜
your statement "To believe or not. It's your personal decision." is a given and a right as part of this community. Then you go on to say "I want to say something about the spirituality debate." What debate? What spirituality? This forum is all about MS. I believe your post is in the wrong community of healthunlocked.com.
Actually for some of us, it's the biggest part of coping and dealing with MS. How could it not be apart of this forum? I'm sorry to disagree with you MS_Indestructible . I couldn't do this without my faith.
I totally agree that posts about religion or faith are totally inappropriate in this arena as faith is a very personal aspect of life. Having a religious faith is not a pre-requisite for living a kind and decent life which respects other lives and living creatures of all sorts.
Chameleon 3 - It is all very well for you to try and defend your post by asserting that "It wasn't a question to be put up for debate. As a matter of fact, the first line says " I want to say something about the spirituality debate. You don't believe in God? That's okay". However, you then invite/provoke commentary by asking "...why is it so important for many of you to mock those of us that do?". This thread then inevitably ended up becoming a platform for other believers to express their own views about their faith. That's would be fine IF this was a forum for religious debate but it is not - it is an MS forum. Espousing religious views here is as disrespectful to people who are non-believers as it would be if non-believers were to start complaining about all the people who end all their posts with "blessings" or whose posts consist only of "blessings" or "prayers" when another member writes about some problem or issue they are experiencing.
If you can't do your MS or any other life journey without your faith, as some have commented, then that's OK by me, and I respect your right to your beliefs, even if I don't share them. However, having a faith does not entitle the holder of that faith to feel hard done by if someone does not hold the same views or is not in the same church. Nor does it give them a right to feel superior to non-believers or members of other churches or religions. Recalling the story about "My roommate and I in college invited some Mormons who came to our place to "save" us into our home to have discussion about religion. Our views vs. theirs. ha ha About midnight, they were all but clawing to get away!!!" ought to generate some feelings of shame for having been so intolerant - but it would appear that it doesn't, because it has been re-told here as an amusing anecdote about having fun at the expense of others. Pots and kettles of a dark shade come to mind - mocking those who hold different views.
Unfortunately I'm not like MS_Indestructible in having any interest at all in reading about how anyone's "faith has helped you and supported you in your journey with ms" - that too belongs somewhere other than this forum.