First a brief introduction from me. My name is Barb, I was diagnosed in 2013 after a long time of trying to figure out what was wrong as so many of us have. I live in NJ. Through my journey I now find myself bed ridden not entirely due to MS but it was a major contributor. I am trying to find the least expensive way to (1) get a power of attorney done and (2) a dependable way for wheelchair transportation, I am not eligible for Medicare/Medicaid or ssdi. My insurance does not cover unless transportation from a hospital stay. I have been looking for accessible vans (used) but am afraid of getting a big hassle if I choose wrong. There's one transport company but they are about $300 each trip and van rental runs about the same. Please remove if this isn't the place to post this.
Not sure if this is ok to ask here, plea... - My MSAA Community
Not sure if this is ok to ask here, please let me know if it's not...

Hi ocforme, and welcome. I have a few suggestions for you.
As far as a power of attorney, you can easily get the forms online on sites such as legalzoom or just google legal forms and you can download them. Please do a bit of research and make sure you are getting the appropriate POA for your needs, as there are several types. You can get a medical or financial POA, and you can opt for a limited or full POA. You can complete the forms and have them notarized. Some notaries will come to your home. I think the online forms are pretty inexpensive.
Regarding the transport services, I am wondering if you are in a town that offers these services. Many cities offer accessible van pick ups for a very nominal fee or at no charge to the disabled community. The services go by different names like "access-a-ride" in New York, and there is probably a similar service in neighboring New Jersey.
Hope you get the help you need.
Oh, dear. I can't offer any advice, but you do have my sympathy. What a fix to be in!
My county offers a discounted transportation system for the disabled, and it only requires your doctor verifying that you use a wheelchair. Trips have to be scheduled in advance, and social calls or shopping trips are limited to 2 specific days a week. Perhaps your county has something like this?

Welcome to the forum, ocforme Your request is perfectly reasonable to ask in this forum. I can suggest that you to visit our website to see if there are any resources that can help you. I look forward to hearing more from you. 🤗
Welcome ocforme I am sorry to hear of your situation, but glad you have found us.
The van question has come up before, maybe a year or so back. If you search old posts/answers you may find some information. Accessible transport is a topic of interest to many of us as well as vital to survival for some of us.
Barb, if anyone has knowledge or has experienced the same obstacles; please “ask and share .” We are caring adults here who all have a story! I am not sure if you’re aware of the many Health Assistance Programs for people with MS A). HEALTHWELL B). PAN Foundation and others? They award Grants for people living with MS and the can be used for Co Pay Assistance, Transportation etc Act now before “spirit of hateful behavior “ from certain powers in control try to dismantle it. Really we know who covers us from above and is ultimately in control! Best to you and keep us updated. Blessings - NeeC
I know what you mean when you say “spirit of hateful behavior “to take away grants & such from people just trying to survive. Luckily 🍀 I received a grant from Healthwell foundation Today for my medication!!
All you have to do is find out what is available to you. There is still funding out for people who need it.
🙏🏻❤️Lisa 💕
I agree with using electronic forms for POA on LegalZoom (there may be even less expensive alternatives as well). Get them notarized. I have never investigated transportation.
I also know of accessible transportation in my area for disabled and seniors I would imagine you could find something similar by doing a little research in your county. Mine is through in California.
Barb, most communities have some paratransit service for people needing wheelchair lift rides but if you're in a smaller town, there might not be one, and you would need to ask around to find out what is available.
I've used a local paratransit service in 2 different states regularly for decades. There are some drawbacks but in general it works about as well as can be expected.
The drawbacks:
1 - Usually these services can't do same-day ride requests. Sometimes they need a week's advance notice but more commonly it's a few days.
2 - Because rides are often scheduled to include other pickups and dropoffs, you can find yourself riding around on the van, sometimes for 2 hours, when your destination was only a 10-minute ride away. This shouldn't happen very often but it does sometimes. Also you might need to wait half an hour or longer for a ride to show up for you.
3 - Often there is a rule stating that the driver won't wait any more than 5 minutes for you. And you need to wait in a place where the driver can see you.
I live in Indiana and we have a "volunteer lawyer program." Perhaps you have a program like that nearby? If you qualify, you pay nothing.
Wishing you the best of luck.. I really don't have anything to add because those were gonna be my suggestions as well. I have also heard that some churches offer folks rides to doctors and a grocery stores and stuff . please let us know how doing and how everything turns out... you have found a very nice community here.
Welcome to Your place 😊
A lot of good info given here. Good luck,ocforme & keep us posted.
🙏🏻❤️Lisa 💕
I would contact St Vincent De Paul. If they can't directly help they can refer you to who can help.
Power of atty can get free on line. Get on local—someone may help. Neighbors there give me used wheelchairs that we refurbish for other neighbors in need.