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I have a question that someone might be able to help me with?

Allen5280 profile image
β€’34 Replies

Hello all,

I hope and pray y'all are hanging in there ok.

With my increase of energy levels I'm sick and tired of my recliner! I want to drag it out to the yard and set fire to it at times! What a love/hate relationship I have with it! Anyhow, with the start of Modafinil i have a little more energy and instead of physical therapy at a clinic, I want to start walking. In the mornings maybe down at the lake with my pup, or even just around the RV park here. Well I talked to my Neuro's office and they are sending me a script for some forearm crutches so I reduce my fall risk while I walk. That and my cane has started sending pain up my hand and arm when I place it as I walk. I found some crutches made by egroactives called the Egrobaum. I was wondering if anyone has used these? If so, what was y'all's experience with them? Thank you caus3 I'm working on getting approval from Medicare to help with the costs. I'm looking at maybe getting into their carbon fiber ones to shave off a little of the weight. So I thought I would reach out to y'all to see if there's anyone whom had had experience with them at all. Thank you and God Bless.


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Allen5280 profile image
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34 Replies
jackiesj profile image

First, thank you for sharing.Second ya rahhh for being able to get on crutches, not easy sometimes.Dont burn recliner...still grt for tv.Enjoy energy but save some too.For me it was so long that overdoing it is my middle name....!Start slow?When you take a step we are right by you....

Allen5280 profile image
Allen5280β€’ in reply tojackiesj

jackiesj I'm going to try and not overdo it! I'm not making any promises cause I think there's a πŸ”± or πŸ†laying around here someplacefor that! Ok maybe not, but if they did give em out I would probably have all πŸ₯‡πŸ₯ˆπŸ₯‰ by now! Maybe even on the same occurrence! πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

jimeka profile image

Tutu uses crutches and walks really well with them. She prefers them to a cane. I hope people come forward with their experiences as I was looking for a pair and I have actually found a pair, wait for it, in purple. Obviously they weren’t graphite ones, but I wasn’t looking for practicality! Lol πŸ˜‚ let us know how you get on, and as Jackie says, don’t burn yourself out. Blessings Jimeka πŸ¦‹ 🍫

Allen5280 profile image
Allen5280β€’ in reply tojimeka

Thank you jimeka ,

I'm pretty much a pro on using assistance devices for getting around. Over the years from injuries I have used crutches, a platform walker and canes of different types. I didn't even have to go buy a cane when I first got hit with MS cause I alreaady had one in my closet. My mum always says I was the one who wasn't ever sick, I was always getting into a mess and getting hurt. She also r3minds me of the incredible tolerance for pain I was gifted with. She told me a story of when I was a child that I had a hernia surgery when I was 8 years old. I guesstheeee was a bit of difficulty with a young nurse and drawing my bloodwork. She said it was digging around, numerous attempts of getting the vein and all the while I didn't make a peep. After my surgery she ask how I felt and I told her I was in pain. She called in the nurse and they were preparing a shot, my mother tells me I looked at the shot and then to my mother saying "nevermind, it doesn't hurt that bad!" She says I didn't have a single bit of pain medication after the surgery. Even with my roommate whom had his tonsils out jumping on my bed when my mom got back to get something to eat. And then there's the other story where not but a few months later she came into the bathroom one day and there wa s blood everywhere. She asked me what's wrong and I said nothing. She a asked me about all the blood and i held up my elbow where i had got knocked down in a parking lot fighting with an older bigger boy. I said its ok mommy i already gave myself stitches! (Needle and thread from her sewing cabinet!) She put me into the car and off to the emergency room we went. When the doctor looked and said yep it needs stitches alright who did this? (Refering to the home stitch job) my mom said he did. The doctor looked at me and said, wow this is a pretty good job, other than the wrong thread! My mom said I had a lot of practice watching stitching being done! LoL anyhow I am more wondering about any experience with the type of crutch. They are a different kind with being orthopedic. They have shock reducing handles, shaft and special tip. They have a spring shock absorber built in and a special all terrain tip. I was curious if anybody has used a pair and if they work well. 😁

Iona60 profile image
Iona60β€’ in reply toAllen5280

What a trooper you are Allen! Once you find the right crutches, there will be no stopping you and the doggie. Best of luck!

Morllyn profile image

Glad to hear that you are still doing better with the fatigue!

Allen5280 profile image
Allen5280β€’ in reply toMorllyn

Thank you Morllyn ! And even better the more time after my infusion "shock" I have decided to name it! 😁 its kinda a shock to my system but with the length of time im on it and the medication change its a lot better

Morllyn profile image

That is awesome! All my best to you!

oklaguy profile image

more energy sounds great! sorry I don't have any experience with crutches to share. good luck in your quest to find the right fit.

Allen5280 profile image
Allen5280β€’ in reply tooklaguy

Thank you oklaguy , I don't want to get this wrong causeitwill be a nightmare dealing with Medicare and a different set. However it may not be all that bad cause I think I have to get them out of pocket first and reimbursed my Medicare but im going to get written pre-approval before I do anything. I've talked with the manufacturer already about the whole process. Still trying to get all my ducks in a row first.

Iona60 profile image
Iona60β€’ in reply toAllen5280

Allen, is there a medical supply place near you that may have a show room where you can try them out?

Allen5280 profile image
Allen5280β€’ in reply toIona60

There are a few but I don't know that they carry this particular one. I know they can be purchased online through Amazon, Wal-Mart and even through my pharmacy, they are all online orders. I have been in contact with the manufacturer whom have given me a discount code if i order directly through them. I am going to ask about the return policy if they are not a good fit for me.

Iona60 profile image
Iona60β€’ in reply toAllen5280

Would be great to try them out in advance.

Peruzzot profile image

Congrats on more energy! The only experience I have with crutches is basic ones that hospitals let patients borrow when they break a leg or in my case an ankle. They made my hands and arm pits hurt after a few weeks.

Allen5280 profile image
Allen5280β€’ in reply toPeruzzot

Yeah I'm all to familiar with those crutches. I have spent months on them and it was difficult before very long at all. I wouldn't even consider that route for what I'm trying to accomplish. I have found videos of people using a brand called sidesticks but they are crazy expensive! So I'm trying to do my research on the next option. My Specialists office was glad to hear me asking for the script because they wanted me on them 4 years ago, im getting around a little better than I was then but im getting old cause the falls are getting more difficult to recover from. either that or I've been eating to many bananas because I'm becoming like one, bruising easily! πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

MS_Indestructible profile image
MS_Indestructibleβ€’ in reply toAllen5280

you may get bruised easily, just don't get pealed. :)

Allen5280 profile image
Allen5280β€’ in reply toMS_Indestructible


Kenu profile image

Good luck AllenπŸ‘. Nice to hear you have more energy and going to get crutches. Have not used the new ones but I am sure you will figure it out πŸ™. I have been so happy when I got my new brace a year ago and gave me more mobility 😁. Not sure how Medicare works as I just started it in April this yearπŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ. Has been good for drugs so far , but had to pay $360.00 for my feeding tube replacement 🀨. Hope this works out for you πŸ™πŸΎKen

KC0808 profile image

Hi Allen I have a question why crutches and not a four wheel drive walker (rollator) :) I can't do a walk about without it. I don't worry about cramping in arms another plus the seat if I walk too far I can take a moment and regroup.

Take Care of You


Allen5280 profile image
Allen5280β€’ in reply toKC0808

KC0808 ,

I guess that when I dream, I dream BIG. I came across this video some time back when I started looking into forearm crutches. Inspired me to not wanting to limit myself. Their are many things i cant do anymore that i want to be able to do. This video is a little more than I may be able to accomplish but even just to get out and walk some trails would be pretty awesome! A Rollator would limit me, I don't like limits! πŸ˜†


KC0808 profile image
KC0808β€’ in reply toAllen5280

I truly hope you will be able to walk your trails. So I say Go For It!

Physically I can't use crutches but I can keep Rollin along with my four wheeled walker. As long as we are moving were doin good :)

Good Luck Allen I wish you the very best.


Allen5280 profile image
Allen5280β€’ in reply toKC0808

KC0808 There may come a day, where a rollator, a walker, scooter or wheel chair is the only way. I'm going to fight it every step of the way! 😁 I'm going to fight till my fight is won, or there isn't an ounce of fight left, and my time is done.

Jesmcd2 profile image

Hey speed racer! Way to go! And no, I don't know anything about the crutches. Sry. I do wish you luck tho! 😊

You do know that if it hurts to use your cane, your not using it the right way? πŸ˜• Love to hear about all the walking your doing tho!

What's your puppys name? And what kind is it? πŸ€—πŸ’•


Allen5280 profile image
Allen5280β€’ in reply toJesmcd2

That may be A possibility, however for some a constant use can cause carpal tunnel, tendonitis and arthritis. I know on mine the height is correct and in previous years I have had instruction from physical therapist. I may not have the perfect cordnation for proper placement due to interfered muscle response so I need something to help assist with avoiding those issues. Thank you for the advice.

As for my puppy she is a 9yr old Black Labador retriever. Her name is Lucy Lou and she is my registered ESA. She has been there for me when I was always falling down their waiting to assist me on getting off the floor. At my worst it was a several time a day occurrence. When I was working in had a early morning flight to Dallas and she was at the airport when I got to work. I petted her on the head and went on about my morning. Then when I returned a couple hours later she was still there. I went and got my lunch and shared some of it with her. I made a return trip back to Dallas that afternoon and when I returned she was still at the front door of the terminal ( Halliburton field is a small town airport) the humane society is just north of the airport. It was obvious that someone had dumped her there the night before and it was over the weekend. There were storms aproching that night in early September of 2009 and I opened the door to my pickup and told her to get in and she did. I contacted the humane society for my girlfriend and i already had three dogs at that time. I thought that was the limit for the city. Well the humane society asked if I could keep her and I told them about the other pups and they informed me I could have a fourth so.... she's been with me ever since. She was about a year old then. She's fixin to have her 10th bday in Sept. When I took her to the vet (I did try and find her possible owners but was unsuccessful) she was in latter stages of Canine Ehrlichia. It comes from the tick. She has it chronically and we have to treat her every few years to keep it at bay. It's a horrible illness and it's my guess she was sick and our gun shy (she hates fireworks) and someone just dumped her. She has been my lifesaver throughout my most difficult times. Since my move to an RV she lives with my exgf and I still go see her almost every day, providing I'm able. My friend has a little brown dog named Jack and he keeps her playing and active, they are best of friends. So i let them out during the day when my friend is working. I'm fixin to go therein a few minutes. 😁

Jesmcd2 profile image
Jesmcd2CommunityAmbassadorβ€’ in reply toAllen5280

Dogs are amazing and have a way of "picking" there owners! This one one you were the best one for her! Not to mention you needed her! 😊 I know I would be lost without mine! I'm sorry s she is sick, but she knows where going to take care of her πŸ˜€

Share a pic!! πŸ€—πŸ’•


Morllyn profile image

Allen be careful about purchasing them yourself, I don’t think that Medicare reimburses people/patients any more. You should check with Medicare before you do anything.

You might want to look into walking poles as well. I have friends who found them helpful.

Joc-42 profile image

Yes, I have good experience with walking poles. Now have recumbent bicycles.

wish I could help. I use just a regular cane for balance. I hope you find what you're looking for. Stay strong bro

Deecaf72 profile image

I had been using forearm crutches for years but then started having weaker arms and they wouldn't move easily. Went online and found forearm crutches with spring device in foot area....have used them over a year and they are Awesome! No more sore arms or difficulty moving them. They are called Inmotion and are very light weight but sturdy. Hope you find what you need to get out and about. Take care.

Allen5280 profile image
Allen5280β€’ in reply toDeecaf72

Thank you so very much Deecaf72 ! I'm gonna check those out!😁

However you can get around, cane, crutches, walking poles, walkers, scooters, wheelchairs do it. I used a power chair for almost 14 years whenever I was out. About four years ago my right foot came back to life a little, and with the help of a place here in Sacramento called the MS Achievement Center, I was able to start using a walker for most small trips, in and out of peoples houses, dr. appts and small stores. I am beginning to know when to use the scooter if I want to do more.

I just encourage people to look past today when nothing works and see next month when it does again. MS is the most unpredictable thing that enters our lives. Keep stretching a little each day and your brain might be able to find a new pathway to do that thing it got blocked from doing.

Sorry for going on and on but I have MS and when the words come there is no stopping them. Good Luck all

CalfeeChick profile image

Just saw your post Allen5280 You may want to send a private msg. to WAshingtongirl She is not on here much anymore because of health issues. She does use the forearm crutches and may offer you some direction. Oh, I love my Modafinil, otherwise I would be napping every morning and afternoon!

Allen5280 profile image

Hi starlight5 , I did end up going with the Egrobaum forearm crutches. I've been using them since August. I've have wanted to do a review on them just been trying to get a handle on life's basics recently. I do like them, as much as I could like the need for them. They have saved me from quite a few serious falls, One just last evening. I like the fact that the pain I was experiencing in my hand and up my arm from my cane, has disappeared. It did in a relatively short time after making the trsndition. The handles of the crutches, would at first make the plans of my hands sore. I had to adjust to them. That took a week or so but after about the first month they became an extension of myself. They make a little noise sometimes. The rubber in the special tips rubs on the metal as the shock absorber compresses and when I need to put more weight onto them it makes a rubber sound. I think if the company put a plastic bushing at the top of the tips it would reduce that. I made the sujestion to them but no response. The paint on them is extremely durable but the initial manufacturing left some desire to the quality of the finish (streaks in paint in sunlight) I don't leave the house without them, ever. I love their special tips, I can do exercises with them. They grip reply pretty well, but there are limitations on steep angles. Knowing those limits is a good thing becuse one could fall at times still. Ilove the little lights in them. It helps in dark situations. The batteries are a pain to put in. That's a down all right there, but I'm still on the original batteries so they last quite awhile. I did customize mine, they had a bright green sticker on the forearm support for visibility. It was ok but the reflectors on the handles are orange. I like stuff to match and orange is MS color I covered their sticker with some prismatic orange reflector tape I ordered from Amazon. I like it much better now. Oh and I got the blue ones. I contacted the company with some questions and told them my condition and they sent me a 20% discount code for my order. It's was the big push that made me decide to try them.

Oh and I almost forgot, they come with knee rests, I took them off cause they were just getting in my way. They are easily removed for repositioning and I just took them off. They are held in with a bolt and nut so it does require some tools to do. If I were going to be somewhere I were on my feet a long time I might consider putting them on before going, but I haven't been in that situation and don't see that I will be. Also I like that using them is giving me quite a bit of my upper body strength back and that is a awesome deal for me. I posting a link to them


Hope it hwlps, any questions please ask


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