Hello all! I'm new to the board. 41yrs old, female, married w 2 young kids. Diagnosed RRMS in 2012 after two episodes of tingling - in feet/legs then 6 mos later in hands. Thankful it wasn't something worse. Started taking Tecfidera in 2013. No relapses since! My neuro at Univ of Michigan says I'm a "super responder" because Tec also seemed to have cured my scalp psoriasis that I struggled w for years. Totally gone. ( Tec was used to treat psoriasis in Europe.) Anyhow, despite being an immune suppressing drug I've been very healthy. Gotten flu shots, rarely sick. Until a few weeks ago. Period of higher stress; (I'm a varsity sports coach at my kids school and also I just started a part time job this fall to help pay the bills). Didn't consider it a super stressful time or anything, but... I came down with shingles. Severe back pain, sores on my left side front and back. Took a week of valtrex to contain the virus and UMich said to stop Tec while I'm fighting shingles. Sores are resolving and back pain has reduced but nerve pain still frustrating. It's been about 3 weeks.
Any thoughts from you all about a theory I've heard that "Tecfidera causes shingles"??? I know most people never get shingles twice but I'm hearing that MS patients get it more often? I'm too young for shingles vaccine. Haven't talked to my neuro about this yet, just her nurse assistant. I really don't want to go through this shingles thing again. Going back on Tec starter pack in a week or so.
Thank you for your comments! God bless you all...