Weight loss with Tecfidera?: I was just... - My MSAA Community

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Weight loss with Tecfidera?

bxrmom profile image
36 Replies

I was just curious if anyone had noticed weight loss after starting Tecfidera? I started Tecfidera about 6 months ago, and I have noticed that I have lost some weight without even trying. In March I was up to 175 lbs. When I went to my family doctor last week for a recheck on my sciatica pain, I was at 161 lb :) I haven't been to the gym since the weather started warming up. I noticed after having to put on pair of jeans because of cooler temps that they are looser than they have been (seems like they are sometimes tighter after not having worn them all summer lol) and a pair of night shorts that I haven't worn in awhile don't stay up on hips too well either ;) I'm not complaining, just wondering if this a VERY welcoming side effect to this drug? It has not helped with my headaches though like it has some others.


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bxrmom profile image
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36 Replies
Nom_De_Plume profile image


Really??? Sign me up!! 😂

I don't recall this being a noted "side-effect" of the drug although one could check the pkg insert and cross-reference against the control arm of the pivotal clinical trial. This sort of thing isn't typically tracked very accurately in clinical trials. Usually, only adverse or negative effects are captured as data....but if it does cause weight loss, wouldn't it be great as a marketing side-note?!

So happy for you that this has occurred! It is so difficult to manage weight when you can't really exercise!

jimeka profile image

bxrmom what a bonus. Sorry about the headaches. What do you take for them? Blessings Jimeka 🐕 🦋

bxrmom profile image
bxrmom in reply to jimeka

I have been taking Sudafed for them now, which sometimes helps sometimes not. Other times my cramp medicine works if Sudafed doesn't but the headaches are on/off all day on some days. My Neuro said it's most likely a tension headache and had prescribed Sumatriptan but it didn't work. Started out with 1 pill a week and worked up to 3 pills and nothing so he told me I could stop if it didn't help.


toph profile image

I took techfidera for over a year. Do yourself a favour and stop the demyelination. Inject b12 and take vitamins and folic acid. Only reason you got told to take techfidera is your Dr may have got incentives from Teva to do it. . I think it stinks to hi heaven.

Nom_De_Plume profile image
Nom_De_Plume in reply to toph


PS Tecfidera is manufactured by Biogen (not Teva).

CalfeeChick profile image
CalfeeChickCommunityAmbassador in reply to toph

Have to agree doc may have incentives. My first neuro said “you have MS, don’t worry, you’ve had long life. Gonna start you on Tecfidera” He knew I am JCV positive. Notice I said first neuro. Only had 2 appts, got my records and a new neuro.

agapepilgrim profile image
agapepilgrim in reply to CalfeeChick

CalfeeChick what test did you take t know you are JC positive?? I just started Tecfidera (after allergic reactions to Aubagio and then Capoxone). I keep getting the warning literature from Biogen about the dangers of Tecfidera and JC virus causing the brain disease and death. My neurologist refuses to order test for JC virus, even though I have left messeages for it 4 times. Then this week anew primary care doc said only 2 ways to now for sure HC virus active- spinal rap fluid or brain biopsy after death! Is this true? Did you have spinal tape fluid to determine that fact?? I gave active HO virus and check up every 3 months for cervical cancer, and I have shingles virus and Epstein Barr virus and "very suppressed immune system " so naturally I am very worried. Since the other 2 DMTs caused allergic reaction found in only 1-2% clinical trials. Obviously, I have low batting hostory! So how did you know?

bxrmom profile image
bxrmom in reply to agapepilgrim

agapepilgrim I don't understand why your doctor won't test for the JC virus before as I thought that was a requirement? My Neuro tested before I started to make sure. If your neuro refuses to test you for it, I think I might be looking for a new neuro. I'm sorry you are having a hard time with your neuro.


agapepilgrim profile image
agapepilgrim in reply to bxrmom

bxrmom his nurse called back and said he only tests when prescribed tysabri. Did you have spinal fluid test to prove it? My primary care says that was only way and he couldn’t order that. Also said sometimes a brain biopsy is done! I thought a regular blood test would prove it. What did you have done???

Caca0502 profile image
Caca0502 in reply to agapepilgrim

It is a blood test to check for JCV. I am JCV positive but the chances of PML are lower that Gileyna so i opted for Texfidera. I also lost weight but i dont know if it was the tecifera or my diet change. ..that lead men to this forum for more informaiin maybe as i didnt see anything in the paperwork either. I research the hell out of all the MS drugs and felt this was my best choice. My Neuro always says im her most informed patient.

melack01 profile image

bxrmom I didn't notice weight loss with the Tecfidera, but since starting the Wellbutrin I've had about a 10 pound loss. My pulse is faster so maybe my metabolism is higher. Luckily raising my pulse just puts me in the normal area since mine was low.

erash profile image
erash in reply to melack01

melack01 buproprion/Wellbutrin can cause slight weight loss esp. Compared to other antidepressants I which often cause weight gain.

bxrmom were you on another drug before that possibly caused weight gain and now since the change to tecfidera that prior weight is coming off?

I don't see weight loss listed in Epocrates but there's a lot of wt loss on Dr Google...and some complaints of weight gain ?

bxrmom profile image
bxrmom in reply to erash

erash I was on Copaxone before going on Tecfidera so I don't think that caused weight gain. I was on it since 2006 after being diagnosed with MS so I'm not sure what the deal is. It's not like I eat the best either lol


erash profile image
erash in reply to bxrmom

Agree bxrmom

Unlikely the copaxone. Although it can potentially cause edema/fluid retention. I never noticed this while I was on it.

bxrmom profile image
bxrmom in reply to erash

erash I never noticed edema/fluid retention while on Copaxone either. If I had, I would have been in to see the doctor.


doveflyfree profile image
doveflyfree in reply to bxrmom

I have a huge problem with my feet swelling and going up my legs. I'm on 40mg of water pills and was on 80 mg. What makes me swell like that?? Maybe I could walk again

bxrmom profile image
bxrmom in reply to doveflyfree

doveflyfree I'm not sure what could be causing the swelling but you should call the doctor if the swelling is getting bad. I have not had that problem unless I had a blood clot and then my leg was warm to the touch. I was on copaxone at the time.

doveflyfree profile image
doveflyfree in reply to bxrmom

This has been happening for a year now!! It got extremely bad after Irma hit. The doctors keep tossing me back and forth. I'm very annoyed with it. I am on water pills but not sure what to do anymore!!Thank you for helping me!!

bxrmom profile image
bxrmom in reply to doveflyfree

doveflyfree oh no!! Maybe it is time for a second opinion!! It's been going on for WAY too long and you need answers to what is going and how to stop this.


doveflyfree profile image
doveflyfree in reply to bxrmom

Hi Jessie!!

Yeah my friend says the same thing. My neurologist is only in every other week and specializes in MS. You're absolutely correct!!!! Do I tell my primary doctor that I want a second opinion from the neurologist or primary doctor??? The water pills can't handle the swelling and going up my legs. Neither doctor wants to deal with it. They both toss me back and forth. I'm just learning how to be assertive and not submissive. I do NEED help for it. What should I do in your opinion???

doveflyfree profile image
doveflyfree in reply to bxrmom

Also the primary doctor put me on the water pills. I can't walk good anymore because of my feet swelling again and again!!!

doveflyfree profile image
doveflyfree in reply to bxrmom

Thank you for helping me sooo much!!! You and my friend are right!!! How does it work getting second opinions?? Never done it before. Thank you very very very much!!

bxrmom profile image
bxrmom in reply to doveflyfree

I would ask for a specialist referral from your family doctor that can help you since they do not know what is going on doveflyfree And the other doctor you see doesn't know what's going on, they are worthless as well. or if all else fails, you can always go to the emergency room and tell them what is going on since it has been going on for so long and can't get any help from either your primary or neuro. Take your friend with you.


doveflyfree profile image
doveflyfree in reply to bxrmom

Okay thank you very very much!!! I will try to let you know what happens!!

bxrmom profile image
bxrmom in reply to doveflyfree

Great!! Thank you!! Good luck!!

agapepilgrim profile image
agapepilgrim in reply to bxrmom

bxrmom i hope it doesn't cause weight loss in me. Been on it a month. Already lost 50 lbs from other meds, gone from size 18-20 down to 8 over last 2 years. Keep having to buy smaller sizes at thrift stores. Getting expensive!! 180 down to 120. Oh, that's 60. The headaches come every night and nausea and stomach pain every time I eat. I reported, but no response. Why bother reporting symptoms if doc won't help??

bxrmom profile image
bxrmom in reply to agapepilgrim

agapepilgrim I hope that it does not cause you to loose much more weight. I don't get nausea or pain after eating, but everyone is different. Have you tried to tell your family doc that you are having those symptoms if your neuro is no help?


agapepilgrim profile image
agapepilgrim in reply to bxrmom

bxrmom fily doc says he didn’t prescribe gotta take advice of neurologist. And now I have to change primary doc cause neurologist won’t continue seeing unless I get help for PTSD aggravated by right brain progressing damage. The only psych counselor covered by my insurance ‘‘tis a group at a clinic that required me to see their primary first. So mad at medical and insurance fields!

bxrmom profile image
bxrmom in reply to agapepilgrim

agapepilgrim I'm so sorry you are having issues with your different doctors and your insurance company. Insurance companies can be a real pain in the *ss!!

Gentle hugs,


rjoneslaw profile image


I have been on techfidera for over a year now. I can’t tell you if it makes you lose weight because I was thin to begin with.

As for the headaches talk to your dr. There could be something else going on that you need to address. Don’t ignore any symptoms you have you need to stay on top of your health. Be proactive not reactive.

There are pharmacist on call 24/7 at Prime that can answer your questions in regards to your question or concern on techfidera

Don’t do what @toph said to do and just stop taking it. There is a reason your dr has you taking this med as opposed to another. Talk to your dr before you start or stop taking anything. I’m sure you and your dr or I hope you and your dr had a long and in depth conversation about starting any kind of meds. If not now maybe the time to start.

brainfood26 profile image

I have been on tecfidera for about 2 months and I have lost about 3 lbs without change in food or exercise. Hope it lasts!

bxrmom profile image
bxrmom in reply to brainfood26

That's great brainfood26 about your weight loss :)


Nom_De_Plume profile image
Nom_De_Plume in reply to brainfood26


Interesting! 👍🏻 😀

Sukie427 profile image

Hi, bxrmom . I have been on Tecfidera since it was approved by the FDA (I want to say 2014 but I am not sure and my memory cells are long gone). I don't recall this being a side effect, but I can tell you that I have held pretty steady at my weight. I have always been thin (except many years ago when I was in college and ate dorm food and actually shot up to 150 lb), and my drs have wanted me to gain a few pounds, and if I really try and eat a lot of junk (which I don't really like to do) I can gain a couple of pounds but it comes off quickly. Can't say it's the Tecfidera, though. I would report it to the prescribing dr though, as it may need to be reported to the FDA. Everyone is different. If you're happy with it, then I am happy for you! Go out and get yourself some new jeans!!!

bxrmom profile image

Sukie427 I have been thinking about getting some new jeans lately lol Definitely need a new belt as the the one I have is starting to getting pretty ratty and loose lol When I see my Neuro in December, I will let him know about the weight loss as well.


YLGram profile image

I started Tecfidera about 9 months ago, and I have noticed a very slight consistent weight-loss. Nothing as substantial as yours but I started at about 144 pounds and I'm down to 136 which is closer to where I should be. No gym and limited walking so the only thing it is attributable to is the Tecfidera.

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