G'day Relapsing Remitting ms (RRms) Sisters and Brothers. Yes, my eyes are still not working as well as I would like them to. My theory is that the Ocrevus running low and this last dose only being a few days old, is not running at 100% efficiency yet. My theory anyway, who knows I might be wrong.
Anyway YOU read the heading, do YOU get it. Read it again. YOU my ms sibling make the choice, it matters not if YOU are at day one tring to decide if YOU take Disease Modifying Therapy (DMT) or not, take it. Or if YOU are 2? something years in and trying to find a new workout plan, like me.
It isYOUR CHOICE. t is always your choice. Make the decision, take a DMT, start keeping health records, diet (EAT CLEAN) move your body (exercise). Do what has to be done to live your best life, despite
Royce π
and SMILE, happy holidays