So after my health forced me on to LTD almost 2 years ago, I’ve been without life insurance as well. I had a fantastic policy through my employer, but LTD meant I lost all my discounted perks. I’ve done some researching, but as soon as they see “MS”, it’s like I have the plague! The rates they quote me are more than my car payment per month! Anyone have better luck than me? I’m 40, female, and I have MS plus malabsorption syndrome. TIA for any advice !😊
Life Insurance: So after my health forced... - My MSAA Community
Life Insurance

tenessa24 I'm not sure if it's possible. are you on Medicare? Are you a Veteran? I realize you are not 50 yet, but we were able to get an awesome supplemental insurance through AARP, United healthcare for Medical, Humana for prescriptions, VSP for vision. Very reasonable in my opinion. Maybe check with them. We have different amounts of coverage for each of us. Minimal for hubby as he also has the VA. Maximum for me as I have very bad arthritis before the MS. They kept right on covering me even when I advised them of the MS. Not to be political, but one benefit of Obamacare was they couldn't cancel me because of the MS. Rates only increased about $20.00 for 2018. Best to you on finding some coverage.
I’m not on Medicare as of yet. I am on LTD from my previous employer. Obamacare hasn’t helped at all! My husband “makes too much” money for subsidies. I pay nearly $600/ month out of pocket for my insurance (just me). How is that “affordable”? My mother keeps a life policy on me that she started when I was in high school, it’s only $25,000, but it’s better than none at all. Just another thing to stress over.
Can you be added to your husband's insurance? I know some couples keep all their policies separate, but there are times when combining policies is what you may need or have to do. Definitely look it to it together. Hope it works out. You may have to provide documentation of when your other coverage ends, etc.
I could, but it’s more expensive with a deductible 3 times higher than what I have! Just unfortunate
Medicare kicks in at 25 months of SSDI and then you should get better rates🤷🏼♂️ Just have to get supplemental policy. I will go onto Medicare April 1st. Unless they fool me🤷🏼♂️ Hope it works out 👍🙏 Ken
Like calfeechick I’m with United Healthcare Medicare Advantage and they have been great. They have been billed over $112000 so far this year. After all their adjustments they have only paid sbout $15000 but they have taken very good care of me and are very reasonable for me. I’ve been with them since receiving my SSDI in 2008.
Unfortunately, life insurance is a product sold on the Open Market Place and although insurance companies don't make as much profit as people think they do, they will never bet on a losing proposition. No one with a disease like ours will ever get insurance such as life, disability, Etc. And without HIPAA you would not get health insurance either. Although Obamacare try to fix this problem, it didn't work because the insurance companies, although they had to take you even with a pre-existing condition, quick charge whatever they wanted. As a result, as a result, most people got stuck on the exchanges if they lost their current insurance or if they didn't have insurance to begin with simply couldn't afford a policy through the exchange. Hopefully, Congress we'll get together someday and fix this problem.
You will not be able to get life insurance beyond what an employer would offer.
It's truly sad! I'm in the same boat with paying Prudential $353. Totally ridiculous. I said for that price I should have a new car. No one else will cover at the moment. This was through former job. Therefore, they cannot deny me coverage, but can charge ridiculous price now that I'm not working if I want to be covered. If I didn't have a 10yr. old, I would say the hell with it. It has totally stressed me out for a few months now!
I sell auto & home insurance but do not have my life license, altho' others in my office do. If you have life insurance already, never let it go! Once you are diagnosed with something it is near impossible to find coverage. The best thing is to start a saving account and put away what you can to pay for your final expenses. Unfortunately there is nothing I am aware once you are sick.
Per healthcare: If EVERYONE was REQUIRED to carry health insurance then issues would be carried by everyone. It's the same idea as car insurance. Everyone carries a part of the load, so if one person has an accident, everyone's price will go up a couple cents. Or in a year when less people are in accidents, then prices can even go down a few cents. This is what President Obama understood and tried to implement. I, personally, would rather pay more in taxes and have everyone covered with no separate health insurance policies, like Canada does (as well as many other advanced countries.)
I was advised the same thing to keep it if able due to no one else wanting to cover me.
Really? Then why do Canadians and other Europeans come to America for health care. They come here because their socialized health care sucks! Yeah I'm a red, white and blue girl.
And once again Obama was clueless about implementing anything. A grandeur community organizer who only knew how to throw tax money at something and hopefully it would stick. And are you really saying that other countries are more advanced /better than America because you are wrong.