Recently my cardiologist told me my actual heart is stronger than my age,,,singing.Heart attack with MS,(didn't know id had one)quad bypass failing a year later than immediate stents all 4...I had to ask myself...healthy heart why..because of singing with YOUTUBE.So my question and answer if this art of singing which is exercise, strengthened heart what do the arts do for MS or anything else..physically.Now, if my neighbors hear it its singing like a cow is dying and housecoat and jammies...what a picture...this is a share..anyone have other activities that seem to make a physical change(must admit mental also..)share!
MS/heart/life: Recently my cardiologist... - My MSAA Community

Hi jackiesj ! It makes me sad when school districts eliminate the arts programs because I think they provide as many benefits as athletic programs. I've seen so many kids just blossom from their participation in the arts. They definitely provide healing to kids and adults too. Keep on singing!
I do, I do, oh oh, me me me! 🤣 from my understanding, the damage to my medulla from MS, is pretty severe. Respatory, heart rate, well everything really... anyhow, I love, love, love to play the harmonica. It keeps my respatory strong. Helps my cognitive issues, when I get into an anxiety attack I stick my ear buds in and play along with real artists. Helps to settle me back down. Well along with a couple hydroxizine. Whenever I start having to much stress and/or anxiety everything starts falling apart. Respatory and heart rate go haywire, i get all out of sorts, spasticitity goes nuts. So it helps calm me. Not to mention I have played so much in actually getting pretty good at it. 🙂 so I second Raingrrl comment of keep on singing! What a cute rabbit too! I love animals. 😁
My spacisity goes bonkers when I encounter stress. I’m still having pc probs and it sets off the legs horribly. 🙃🙃
Ugggh, I hate hearing that. I hadn't gotten so out of sorts in a long time, last week I couldn't find my tax stuff. I got to thinking I must have trashed it accodentlt. Well here it came, I got a great big hug reminding me how it's still lingering. I couldn't even draw a breath without feeling like my ribs were crumbling inside of me. Uggghhh, I hate that the spaticity has to happen to anyone else. It's kinda been one thing or another the past couple weeks that has been firing mine off left and right. Hope and pray yours gets settled down.

I don’t sing much but believe that my putting around the yard with a little gardening, pruning etc helps my mental & physical self. Interesting, I don’t use my cane during those times. I adore thrift store shopping for favorite authors and ?.. Also the library 📚 stores. 3 within 20 miles😀. I get human contact, shared love of books, and new friends. I strongly believe that my having been a long distance cyclist 🚴♂️ has helped me retain some of my positive attitude. I overcame serious injuries from accidents & during all that time had 2 back surgeries & a knee replacement. Overcame all and was back on the bike in record time. Bet that was more than you needed to know. 👍📚🚲👏🚴🦋💕
Anyone else have a love of books 📚 and thrifting??. I’m looking for a few specific books.
CalfeeChick , no it's absolutely awesome to know about the things you have been through and overcome. What a great role model you are for keeping up the fight. I applaud you! Keep it up, there are times where I want to give up, it's just not in my nature and it's comforting to know we are not in this alone!
Allen5280 Thank you for your very nice compliment. I have had my times when I felt very defeated and have wanted to give up. Even tried to consult a professional and she just wanted to give me pills when I needed some talk therapy.. Thanks to 3 very good friends that cared enough to listen I was able to pull out of it. This site and forum has been what I consider a whole new family that I get to choose. Blessings all for sure. I try to be available here if anyone needs a friend or private chat.. Thanks again for your kind thoughts and caring enough to post it.
jackiesj Ignoring people (mainly my parents/family) helps my sanity. I respond when I am ready (and know what it is I really want to say-sometimes typing it in notes in my phone ahead of time). I also openly let them know when I don’t understand what they are saying. We have already lost so much control - it’s the least we can do for ourselves.😜 My daughter Hailey sings beautifully - I love to listen to her sing but I make sure no one is around bc it brings me to tears.
Jackiesj, it's Fancy1959. I'm glad to hear that you have had a good report on your heart. At least that's one less thing you have to worry about. My Heart is also doing well even with the MS. I have typically low blood pressure and the only recommendation I had from the cardiologists when I went to see him last year was to, get this, eat more salt. Who knew I I was being too healthy for my own good! LOL! Fancy.
Definitely stress and lingering fatigue but that then stresses me out! Have got stress at the mo don't know what's happening with work and I have to see the occupational health physician on the 25th of this month so God knows! 🙄🤔🙄🤔🙄🤔🙄🤔 and I love reading xxx
Singing is praying. Dont cease. My theory using other neuropathways. Granddaughter dyslexic but can read music and play violin
Like your bunny, brought a smile to my face.
I live in condo but can dig in yard. I have been treated to a profusion of azeala blooms and now a bevy of roses. Waiting for hot summer stuff to spring up. Would send photos but don't know how.
Peace to all