It’s been a while, I know. I saw my neuro two weeks ago. We got the chance to do an exam and go over the mri I had in August. Turns out I had no changes at all! I hadn’t had one in six years and one about five years before that, so my MRI has been stable about ten years. It’s also been about six years since I had a relapse. Both of those are great news, of course, but left me wondering what that means for my MS. I still experience many daily issues and am slowly going downhill. We decided I’ve hit the secondary Progressive MS stage of life. Since I’m doing so well, for me it’s just a name change, nothing more. The goal is to keep the disability progression slow.
On another note, I’ve been exercising nearly six days a week since November. I’m trying to train myself to think of exercising as essential as taking my meds. We are lucky enough to have a treadmill and elliptical so I switch every other day. When I started I could only do 8 minutes on the elliptical before shaking uncontrollably. Now I can do 30 on the elliptical and 45 on the treadmill. And I can still walk when I’m done. My neuro was impressed and said don’t stop!
For nonMS news, we had the fun of replacing the sewer main in our house this week, which meant digging up the foundation. The plumbers did a great job. Also my son left for California in January. He’ll be in LA until he can get a visa to go to Ukraine. I miss him and especially all the help he gave me at home and driving me around. But I’m not missing him so much I’m falling apart. Letting kids grow up is hard!