I was diagnosed with progressive MS almost 2 yrs ago, and it has disabled me to the point that I can't walk anymore, but just a little in my house with my cane. I have paralysis in my right foot, and my left hand. I feel like my body has been invaded by a monster. It is so hard to deal with,and it just seems to get worse by the day. I pray for everyone that has this terrible disease. It has destroyed my life.
Living with MS : I was diagnosed with... - My MSAA Community
Living with MS

Oh, AmyLT49! I'm so sorry you have moved into PMS. I am SPM and even though I'm told my MS is "Mild", I dread the DX of PMS. Log on and talk anytime - whether you're sad or happy. You have found new friends here and I think you will be as pleased as I am!
AmyLT49 i too have PPMS , it is a monster as you call it. It is so unpredictable. You never know what it will rob you of next. This site, with these wonderful people on here have been a God send. I know that they can't help me physically, but mentally and emotionally they have been so caring. I hope that you too can find the support that you need, blessings Jimeka 🦋 🌈 🤗
AmyLT49 , we really don't like welcoming new people here. Although we really are happy to meet you; it's heartbreaking to meet someone else living with or caring for someone with MS. All that said, I'm sorry MS has affected you as it has. As jimeka said, we wish we could do more. But we are here to listen, to encourage, to cry with, or to share our own experiences in the hope of helping one another. It is my hope and that of all of us here, that you feel our warm welcome. 💕
Welcome amylt49. Sorry for the reason you're here but glad you found us. I was diagnosed with rms, in April of 2017. I was pretty shook up but the wonderful people on this site helped me accept my new life and move on. You have come to the right place. We encourage each other in the bad times and we celebrate the good times. They have become my family now. If you needs us we are here. And yes we pray for each other. Welcome and God bless.
AmyLT49 ,
Thank you for adding your sweet personality to this site. It's always sad to learn of yet another life affected by MS, but we help one another with sharing thoughts, feelings, information, and with support. Though miles separate most of us, we become friends here.
I do hope you have some good support and that you find this to be helpful.
May God sustain you!
AmyLT49 you got that right- our bodies have been invaded!! With a new varmit sticking its head up once a day or week or whenever they decide. Yes, our lives have been destroyed, and our goals have disappeared into the wind. But no greater warfare have I faced in my war ravished life than this one! One truth I cling tho "greater is He that is within " than all the forces of monsters fighting to make me give up. As I. The movie "Let it Go', I never liked my old life shywho! So I will go bullding my ice castle and start a new life., and let go and let God. (Even if I do scream at Him, cry to Him, plead with Him.....until xHevgives me peace and helps me find a new me, totally a new make over! Keep talking to us!
I'm sorry! M.S. sxxxs. I believe I have moved to progressive as well, as does at least one of my neurologists over the years, but never wanted to hand me the title, just in case I wanted to try one of the meds again, as there are new ones forever coming out. But if all these things stick and don't go away, it probably is. You may be better up to date than I on all the new drugs, if not, talk to doc again. However, I have found that I am not getting worse, but better. I've stopped relapsing years ago, and now some things are getting better. A few are almost gone. Don't give up hope!!! I think my positive attitude on life, no matter how bad a things have been thrown my way, has to help as well. There are also more and more things like Nutrition, Biotin, etc., that can only give you hope. There are more and more people swearing they are helping them. It may be hard, but try and be positive, and focus on what you can do for yourself, in addition to your doc's. I used to drag around one leg. USED to! And I only feel my feet when they're on fire! No big deal, though the burning.....well...
Don't look at the sun today, but do at least experience it!