Symptom Termination: I'd been employed by... - My MSAA Community

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Symptom Termination

Kryptonian profile image
17 Replies

I'd been employed by that company for almost nine years. No write-ups no council sessions or any reprimands. And on June 30th the owner terminated my employment with such viciousness you think I actually do something to him personally. After my symptoms worsened in 2013 I had to make strategic decisions in the way I do things. I have difficulty walking so I used a cane. Had emotional outbursts to the PBA so when it happened I would get up from my desk and go in seclusion into it at pass. Fatigue I would make sure that I would get more than enough sleep during the day and a night while I work I wouldn't get tired. Right? Well I'm sure most of you know the answer to that one. I was photographed by another workmate dozing at my desk she sent it to the owner of the company who terminated my position. He even went so far as to tell me I will not get unemployment if chose to file. I hardly interacted or saw the guy for the matter to be terminated in such a harsh way. I tried explaining my illness, he dismissed it mid-sentence. Events of the picture in front of me of me dozing at my desk and told me I can keep it.

I keep going over in my head why she would do something like that. She suffers from some of the same symptoms - fatigue being one of them. She has lupus so it was, I suppose, even that much more cruel in my opinion. She falls completely asleep and I would never of done anything like that to her.

People are cruel sometimes and do not wish to be anything but I suppose.

Me and my wife are struggling to figure out what to do. It was the only job my doctor felt okay with me doing. I'm not going to let you get me down though. We'll try best to figure something out. ✌

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Kryptonian profile image
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17 Replies
KrittyKat60 profile image


Sorry to hear your work did that to you. It sucks when a coworker sets you up like that basically a tattler. People usually are very insensitive and really just do not care what the outcome of their actions cause for someone else. Yes I agree people are cruel. If you read any of my posts I also experienced similar actions by my supervisors. They all knew I have MS but still managed to push me out the door. Luckily I could retire on my state retirement plan even though I'm not of retirement age yet. The law says we are "protected". Don't ever believe that unless you want to spend money on an attorney to protect your job and secure it. I personally don't feel we should have to hire someone to protect an already protected class of employees, those with a disability. The employer always wins!! Hopefully you will figure out what the next step is for you.


Iona60 profile image

So sorry. People can be cruel. I have a close friend that I met at an MS support group, right after she had been diagnosed. She recently told me that I told her at our first meeting (I don't remember this), "No one will care that you have MS".

kdali profile image

Unemployment paperwork is the first thing you should do, right after you stop giving these a-holes power and energy by mind tripping yourself over this. I'm sorry this happened to you. It sounds like you were coping with MS at work really well and you are probably a rock star who will find something else soon. I hope it turns out to be a blessing in disguise. Keep the pic, you may need to mail it to them in a thank you card one day. Jerks 🙄

jimeka profile image

Kryptonian , it's hard to believe that it appears that ms is not a recognised illness. Because we all appear to look so well, but we all experience fatigued, spasticity, pain, balance problems, eye problems, the list is endless, but yet if you don't have ms yourself, people just don't understand. I am so sorry 😐 that you have been dismissed, let's look on the bright side and it may turn out a blessing in disguise. Praying a new position comes your way, blessings Jimeka 🦋 🌈 🙏

kdali profile image

Also, it sounds like you are in a right to fire state. You can at least file a complaint against to company for being fired upon first offense after years of good service.

cbutler66 profile image

I was driven out to retirement also. Worked there for 26 years. Thought I only had arthritis, but got dx. of M. S. 3 yrs later even tho I prob have had it for 20 plus years! Went blind in one eye over 30 years ago due to optic iritis. Got dx. thru MRI then spinal (which hurt). There is another major dept that has a woman with MS who has had to have 911 called due to seizures, so it is not the business in my case, it was the new dept. head who didn't like me (she has left, but I do not know why).

I am on Aubagio, which has stopped my nystagmus, but causes baldness. It is a fair switch off. I also had a minor stroke in the past, which seems to be getting worse. Anybody on Aubagio? Have symptoms?

Kryptonian profile image
Kryptonian in reply to cbutler66

cbulter66 I really appreciate you sharing that with me. I know personally how hard it can be to go over the list of things that you suffer from. The thing I always try to remember at the end of it is that I'm still here. How ever a miserable of an existence I live, I'm still able to provide a comfort to others. So the misery becomes tolerable and the hardship becomes endurance.(James 1:2-4) It keeps me from being jaded about my existence. So thank you because I know how hard it can be to type these words emotionally as well as physically. It appears to me that your endurance has made you a stone upon which weaker ones can lean for security.(2Corinthian 1:3,4,6)


cbutler66 profile image
cbutler66 in reply to Kryptonian

True. I just wish I would quit falling. I AM worried about all the X- rays I have had. Thank you for your words!

CalfeeChick profile image

I am so sorry you had that happen to you. File for your unemployment, if you are not able to get another job, file for permanent disability. Then get a really good attorney. If you were let go because another forwarded a picture and you were terminated base entirely on that picture without anyone consulting or interviewing you, I would say you definitely have a lawsuit. I hope whomever sent that photo was looking to get you terminated and they could be included in a lawsuit. I have completed and passed at 100% the National Manager's Training Courses. It's been a few years, but I recognize harassment and discrimination. Hang in there. Best to you.

Bygonelines profile image

Kryptonian - I too am sorry that happened to you. I am currently going through something similar and desperately trying to keep my job. Most of the time I do really well but the 100 + temperatures that we have had for a week now are really messing with me. I have had to miss a day and a half of work because the heat just drains me and I can't think and can barely move even though I am in an air conditioned office. Definitely, file for unemployment. Chances are you will get it. In my experience from my manager days, the employee usually gets it especially with extenuating circumstances such as MS. Then immediately file for your employers' disability and SSDI. I would also call your local 211 (some areas it's 411) and see what kind of help is available for living, food, and lawyer. Fight them. That is all you can do. I work for a very large University and just recently found out that they have over 2500 wrongful termination lawsuits pending against them. I know for a fact that they loose about 35% of them even though they are a giant university and a state agency/state run university.

As they say on Galaxy Quest "Never Give Up! Never Surrender"

Good luck and let us know what happens.


Kryptonian profile image
Kryptonian in reply to Bygonelines

Thanks 😊 Love that movie by the way 😎

erash profile image

Kryptonian so sorry, and I don't know the legalities of this but

Can you contact an attorney re. ADA rights?

Amore55 profile image

Kryptonian I agree with the others. My understanding is that even in states that can fire at will, they have to give a verbal warning, followed by a written one. You have so many ADA rights on your side! When these things happen we need to utilize those laws that protect us. If it were me, I would file for unemployment, disability, and sue the pants off them! Let us know how things go. I will be praying for you and your family. Kelly

Kitsey profile image

@Kriptonian What you have experienced is horrendous. Please don't believe your boss regarding unemployment. You should definitely file. The fact that you have never been "disciplined " or counseled will work in your favor. You also have the right to call the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. There is no charge to you. They enforce non discrimination laws. I understand the impact of this stressful situation. Please avail yourself of the options. I wish you the very best and hope you will keep us updated.

Sandydemop profile image

Dear Kryptonian , So sorry this happened! You should definitely apply for unemployment and then disability if you don't want to look for or are unable to look for another job. Prejudice is based on ignorance if that helps. I also got fired from a job due to MS. I really couldn't do the job anymore. I had to advocate for them to give me extra months of insurance benefits and a severance package after years of service. Unemployment was a given because I didn't quit! For me, it was a crushing blow. I loved my job however it opened a door to creating a private practice with an opportunity to work hours that suit me best, happily doing work l couldn't imagine doing 3 years ago. Wishing you assertiveness and personal growth through your transition. Hope this is helpful.

MichaelFleeger profile image

I'm sorry to hear that, I experienced the same outcome that you described only I had been with my employer for 23 yrs. A week after I told them I had MS, I was let go, but they did allow me to collect unemployment insurance. You might have a legal suit there.

ssdw1958 profile image

Hi I understand what you are going through. In my case I told my work that I had MS. That was the WRONG THING TO DO because that was 6years before I was canned now that is all I can say because I signed legal paper work stating I can not say anything. I am now fitting for my

LTD I need to find a lawyer.


DO NOT TELL ANYONE THAT YOU WORK WITH THAT YOU HAVE MS.. I put that in capitals because it is so true. These people will be so nice to you to your face but will stab you in your back.

I asked my younger son about three years ago how he thought my walking was and said it is bad

Stress will do bad thing too you.

Seven yours ago I was using a can I know use a rollator and a wheelchair.

Don't let them do that to you stand up for your rights and you may ask why I stayed at my job one word health insurance.

Good luck to you.

I may sound down I am not but when I think about it just gets to me.

Keep smiling they never know what you are thinking. 😃

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