Awhile back, thankfully it's over, I started getting symptoms that made me question my sanity. More than the confusion and lack of focus I've already been dealing with. This was affecting behavior. I went from making noises, hissing, clicking etc., to babbling and speaking gibberish. I was totally aware of this and would get upset which would make it worse. Nobody saw it at this point because I was alone. After a few good arguments with myself full of babbling and crying, I told my husband. A lot of the time I could fight with myself and not make noises. These behaviors seemed to be triggered by fatigue, stress, or change in light (going from a dark room to a lighted room or vice versa). My husband finally saw an episode and just hugged me, which did wonders to calm me down, that caused me to laugh and cry at the same time. No episode lasted more than a few minutes. My behavior was very confused and infantile. I dropped my soda in the car and started an episode because I couldn't figure out what to do first. Put the things I was holding down, pick up the soda, ask for help, what? The car door closed on my foot as I was getting in. In retrospect it didn't really hurt. At the time you would have thought I had been severely injured. It took a few minutes for my husband to calm me down.
Before you say talk to your neurologist, I did. He got me an appointment to see a neuropsychologist due to this and family history (grandmother had premature senility starting at 55 and my sister (62) had just been diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer. I am 57). The tests showed I had very good memory and extremely poor concentration and focus. But at the end she said no to Alzheimer (yay!) and said my behavior could be explained by what she saw on my MRI.
This more than any other symptom I've experienced scares me the most. It's gone now and I really hope I don't get it back. I felt like I was losing myself and turning into somebody else.