Sorry for sideways photo. This site and samsung don't get along. It is the section of my property that desperately needs to be weeded. It is driving me crazy so I went back at it yesterday. Worked for half an hour and slept for two. At this pace it will never be done!!
Remember weeding?: Sorry for sideways... - My MSAA Community
Remember weeding?

Oh, wow, that is a bit daunting Karen-x , but don't look at the whole-just the portion you plan to attack on any given day. Don't overdo it! 💕
Maybe, just maybe it's not Samsung and the site........... maybe operator error! Bwahahahahaha!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I do miss picking on you Karen-x !!!
But in all seriousness. Just take it easy and get done what you can. I was outside for 30 minutes with a friend. Felt funny came inside. I couldn't walk. My blood sugar was 76 which is just a tad low. I dropped the OJ. Dropped the cup and my cane. She had to get me to the couch. The heat sneaks up on you and you don't even realize it. I still feel like a&@ Thank God she was here!
So please please be careful! Please please please!
Just do what you can do and try not to worry about the rest Karen-x . Yes, I know, easier said than done.
Consider getting a goat? 🐐😅
I've decided green is good regardless of the source 🌿🌿🌿
Hi KarenX funny you talk about goats, on one of my neighbors property I saw goats eating away on poison ivy. Apparently goats love to eat poison ivy. I only New this because it said do not pat the goats they are at work eating poison ivy. Just putting my 2 cents in.
Karen, you have plainly made inroads - all bits done contribute to the greater whole : )
My eyes are a bit naff so I can't tell if there are shrubs between to work around ? ( I think I see a Hosta ? ) I have a long narrow border which I have laid flagstones on between large shrubs - the flags have pots on with smaller herbs/shrubs in. It looks nice and cuts down the weeding : ) The rest of my garden is paved with flags but weeds still grow in the gaps ( I have repointed these a few times but cement disintegrates again ! ) - I use a blunt knife to winkle these out and only do a third at a time. So at any given time one third of my garden is tidy, the rest is what I like to call 'natural' ha ha : ) If you are finding this too much and it is getting you down, my advice would be to change it to make it work better for you. Consider if covering some/all of the area would be feaseable. It doesn't necessarily have to be a hard surface like flags - a good quality ground cover fabric can be laid, with slits cut to plant shrubs in. You can cover the fabric with bark chippings/add rockery stones for anchor weight etc to make it look natural. Any weeds that seed in it will sit on top and pull out easily. Be aware that all weed suppressant fabric will deteriorate eventually so it is not a permanent solution. Gardening can be hard work - fine if you are up to it but more importantly you should be enjoying your garden, not fighting with it ! Youtube has lots of info on various weed suppressing techniques. I don't use any weed killers due to pets and wildlife. Hope you can find a way to make it easier and more rewarding for you. Angela x
Thank you for those tips!! All great things to consider. Yes, there are hostas and other flowering bushes (can't remember name right now). This border area is huge and made long before I owned the property. So, I will work slowly, make some weed barriers, or just sell the dang place!!
When you have finished, hop on a plane to the uk and you can have a go at mine, board and lodging is free if you make a good job, lol 😂
Karen-x Every one of us gardeners knows that while you are taking that well earned nap, the weeds are out there, urging one another on to greater and greater accomplishments. Here are some of my solutions: repeat the mantra, weeds are beautiful (except nutsedge and bermuda grass), allow the chickens in (yes, they will also eat or tear up every strawberry and lettuce plant), go to raised beds and weed only 1 at a time, and lastly, focus on taller plants that can shade out the weeds. Thank you for the lovely picture! How lush!!!