My husband was into planting corn, some years back. He would plant a green bean seed in the whole with the corn so it could use the corn as a post to grow up. Seemed like a good idea until I had to harvest. The bean vines had crossed the rows of corn, back and forth, trying to get in between the rows was a nightmare! One day, just before I went in the corn to harvest the beans, I told my neighbor that if he hadn't seen me come out in 30 minutes, to call 911 or get a machete and come in after me.
Veggies from past Summers.: My husband was... - My MSAA Community
Veggies from past Summers.

Funny, Morllyn ! Bet youbswere swatting those tangled vines like they were MS spider webs. 😅
Even your veggies look picture-perfect. Yummy, too. Do you have a large veggie garden area? And it sounds like your husband has helped a lot in the yard/garden. Mine never has (until this past year or so). He hates yard work. And I always did it, so ... 😉
Most of our back yard, really all of it, all the way from our back border up to our back patio was garden up until a few years ago. Late Summer of 2014 I let my husband know that I could not do that much any more. We sodded part of that back to grass. This Summer we will be returning another part to grass, that will leave a small plot for tomatoes and okra, our 2 favorites.
I miss vegetable gardening. I used to do it in pots. I never yielded too much, but it was fun.
I've only had minimal luck with tomatoes.
Really, we only have problems if we have to much or to little rain. When there is a drought I water but plants like rain water much more than chlorinated water. I have 3 rain barrels under down spouts but carrying water cans back and forth kills my back. My doctor does not want me carrying over 10 pounds and a full 2 gallon water can weighs over 18 pounds. He knows me and reminds me of that every time I go to his office and tell him that my back hurts.
Any mosquito problem with the rain barrels?
Mine are mostly a closed system (at least 2 are) , the third one, on the back of the shed, has frogs that lay eggs in them and then the tadpoles eat the mosquito larvae.
That is a great idea with the frogs and tadpoles..
They came on there own. We started hearing a very loud croaking in the early evening, just at dusk soon after putting the barrels out. It took about a week to figure out it was about a quarter sized frog, up under the edge of the wooden lid of the shed rain barrel. It was the exact color of the paint on the barrel, a very pale baige. I have no idea if that was its natural color but I have never seen a frog change colors to match its surroundings. Tadpoles would come out of the overflow into a plastic bucket when it rained. They loved the mosquito larvae.
WAshingtongirl and Iona60 Without my husband I would not have done all of that gardening. All of the gardens where his idea.
Your garden looks good enough to eat!
Native Americans also planted zucchini at the base leading me to suspect the spiderwebs between rows would be avoided as zucchini is planted in a mount. It was certainly the correct thinking!
I have garden boxes and my front sprinklers water them automaticallly. Not as good as a drip system would be but it works.