My neuro visit was great. She was really happy that I am making progress since my first Ocrevus infusion. She said she has had a few other patients that have also had great results. Waiting on bloodwork to come back. It should be ok.
I went to the eye dr. today and he said my eyes have improved! The first time in my life he has been able to get my script to 20/20 in over 20 years. He asked what the new MS meds were & told him how Ocrevus has helped with everything else & that I have able to get off of some of the meds that were causing eye trouble. He was as happy as my neuro was!
More good news, my husband and I are doing hair, makeup and nails for a "Special Needs Prom" this Saturday. We have about 30 people lined up to get their hair done! It's a good thing we used to own a beauty school! We have been able to call on some of our old students to come and help. We have also had volunteers call wanting to help. We have a group of cheerleaders coming in from out of town to help! It's going to be awesome! Everyone is excited! Please pray it all goes well!