Hi, I am new to this site. I have been in a lot of pain. On a pain patch but seem to need more than just the patch. Is it normal to feel this way?
Have spinal pain : Hi, I am new to this... - My MSAA Community
Have spinal pain

Hi MNAT3925 welcome. Sorry it's for this reason tho. Everyone's normal is different l think. But your on the pain patch already? What kind is it, if l can ask? I would definitely call your PCP or your Neuro about it.
Let us know how you do and jump in at anytime 😊
Hi MNAT3925 is your spinal pain due to ms? Blessings Jimeka
MNAT3925 sice many things can cause back pain, to include MS, have you discussed with your neuro the degree of pain and additional pain managements?
Hope you're feeling better soon!
Hello welcome to this fantastic chat room from Fancy1959. I want to officially welcome you into our extended family. Now on to your question of excessive pain. First thing you need to know is that there is no "Normal" in MS. Everyone's path down this bumpy road we call MS is slightly different. As far as excessive pain different people handle pain differently and it depends on exactly where your lesions have hit to explain and understand how much pain you are in.
Please make sure your neurologist understands the severity of pain you are in. If your neurologist doesn't listen to you or do more testing to find out what's going on perhaps it's time to find another neurologist. I would suggest you make a complete list any and all symptoms you currently have and take them in with you along with your pain question on your next visit. Because of the pain you are in if you don't have a visit set up in the next week to 10 days, call immediately see what can be done to get you in. Tell your neurologist the pain is acruciating and you need to be seen as soon as possible.
Please keep us informed. If you need help finding another neurologist we can possibly give you some phone numbers to look up other urologists in your area. If you need anything else we are just a post away. Take care of yourself and relax and do as little as possible right now. Sometimes too much activity will increase your pain level. But remember that you're not part of our family and that together we are stronger. I look forward to talking to you soon. Fancy
I have this itch/pain that starts at the brain stem and travels down the back. I cant scratch it and no meds work. Lidocaine patches did nothing and drugs make me sick. My only help is icy hot spray (cant reach to apply anything else). Good luck!
The only med that helps me with the itchiness is atarax. Good luck. I know it's very annoying and keeps me awake.
Juleigh21 and April-1995MSWarrior , I'm curious about the itching. I started itching in August, a couple weeks after starting a new med. I stopped the med, but even a month later, the itching on my arms and legs was driving me nuts (near tears). I went off ALL of my drugs then. A month later, I started reintroducing them, one at a time. I still itch, but it isn't constant. Last week, I about clawed my arm for a couple days. Then it was gone. I believe it is a new MS symptom. Shampoo, soap, etc makes no difference. Gabapentin helps. But if I wait too long and the itching starts (just one arm these days), I regret it. My doctor thinks it's allergies. Never had it before and drugs/toiletries don't seem to be a factor. Your doctors say anything about your itching? Thanks.
Hi Tutu,
Itching can be a form of paresthesia - I get random itching with no discernible reason. Often my skin feels extremely hot with it too. I find stripping off and wiping area with a cloth soaked in cold water can help, short term. Also, try rubbing across with palm of hand to satisfy the itch, rather than rip yourself to shreds with nails ( which seems to stimulate even more itch ! ) x
Thanks angelite . I've tried everything short of peeling my skin off. Extra doses of gabapentin and Benadryl calm it. Just wish I knew what triggered it (like I know what triggers everything else, right?) so I could be prepared. I'll have to check that symptom out. Just assumed it wasn't MS until I saw other postings on it. Thanks.
Yes, the urge to grab a potato peeler and perform a little DIY skingrafting is strong at times Tutu ! : )) x
The itching I have started in 2007. It usually starts in my scalp and jumps anywhere in my body. I saw a dermatologist and nothing he did helped me. I've been allergy tested twice. No allergies. The dermatologist finally started me on atarax. It's for neurological itching. I had relief immediately. Gabapentin works ok but atarax works the best for me. I can only take it at bedtime since it makes me sleepy. Hope this info helps!
April-1995MSWarrior l completely missed this I'm so sorry! Have you tried Lyrica or gabapentin? Those are supposed to help.☺ They are a gradual increase to your system to. So they might not make you sick? Just a thought.
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I've had back pain for years. It was one of my first symptoms even before I was diagnosed. When I do any activity, like vacuuming the floor or other light housework, I hurt down my back from my neck to my knees so bad it feels like I've pulled all my muscles. With my first attack I had severe neck pain for months. My neurologist suspected MS at that time but there were no brain or spine lesions on the MRI though it did show inflammation at C2. Pain has always been one of my symptoms. Sometimes it gets better, sometimes it gets worse. But it always gets worse with activity. I have a TENS unit, I use Ibuprofen, epsom salt soaks, magnesium gel, and I have something stronger I use on rare occasions if absolutely nothing else is helping.

Hi Kerry,
This possibly sounds like a spasticity/co activation thing ? Ten minutes of sweeping with a brush and the muscles at the base of my spine seize up painfully. Sounds weird but I find if I make a fist and lightly pummel the muscles, it frees them up again so I can continue for a bit, then repeat the pummeling when it becomes unbearable again ! All my muscles get painful/lose power with activity. The only solution I have found is to rest it off. x
I have excruciating spinal pain between my shoulder blades. I tried the Patch. No luck. Now I am on Opana 20mg ER. It is incredibly powerful. It takes my pain down about 30%. But just like MS being an amazingly ugly snowflake, so is back pain. It truly sucks!
I am by no means a Dr. (but I play one on TV) Squirrel! Sorry. Anyway, My Neuro got me into a pain Dr that rejects 80-90% of all his referrals. He listens very well and spells out the plan. I have to sign a contract and adhere to it. If I take a drug test and he finds other substances not listed by him or my Other Drs. He will not treat me any longer. I pray you find one that thorough.

MNAT3925 lm so sorry about all your pain. Are they sure it's not a disk that's shot? Not everything is MS! They need to take another look at you if your laying on the floor crying.😞
Here is the number of MSAA call them on Monday and they will give you some names and numbers of some Neurologists.
800-532-7667 ext 154
I hope that the fentynal starts working soon.
Jes 🌠
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