Heidi, I have you down on my calendar for tomorrow. I know you won't likely get the results (of your recent blood tests either) until you see the specialist. Keeping you and others still waiting to find out what's going on in 🙏 . Wishing you a good day and full night's rest.
MRI still on for tomorrow, gccj4? - My MSAA Community
MRI still on for tomorrow, gccj4?

Thank you WAshingtongirl 😊
I had my MRI today as planned. I also called my GP Surgery yesterday to see if my blood tests results were in. They are and are all "Satisfactory" so I guess there's no vitamin deficiency or inflammation that's causing my symptoms and no vascular disease (thankfully). I was kinda hoping it was going to be a vitamin deficiency that could easily be treated.
Many thanks again for thinking of me. Wishing you well ☺

HeidiK do you get the results from your neurologist the same day?
I'm seeing the Demyelination Specialist on the 14th Jesmcd2 by which time my MRI Images will be accessible and I'll take my blood tests results with me so we'll see what he says.
I asked you twice l am so sry HeidiK lol this time l really do blame MS fog wow. That monster kicks ya outta the blue. No wonder my guy looks at me funny sometimes.
See lm like WAshingtongirl l get my MRI'S the same days as my appt since lm 2 hrs away. And my neuro doesn't like our hospital's MRI machine.
Good luck with your appt. lm telling you now cause no doubt l will forget. Ugh lol
I only have if my MRI and neuro appt have been scheduled on the same day. (Others here may have different experiences.) Since I live 2+ hours away from my neuro, she schedules my MRI a couple hours before I see her so she has the results at my appointment. Do you still see your neuro on the 14th? My guess is that you'll get the results then, when you meet with the specialist. Hang in there. I know a week can seem like forever when you're wanting to get a 'name' and reason for all you've been experiencing. We've all been there and are here, waiting with you.
Oh Jesmcd2 & WAshingtongirl you've given me a smile today with your mixed up messages 😁. I do the same thing and thought it was just stress causing my forgetfulness... Maybe it isn't after all.
Thank you for thinking of me, I'm so scared right now I could cry.
Me too, Heidi. I'm still praying for you-for your appt and now, in the mean 'meantime.' Talk out your fears. We've all been where you are-some are riding that unknown, frightening roller coaster along with you. I've always found sharing with someone who REALLY understands (that's us!!!) helps. Maybe Jes and I need to pull out some more brain lapses to keep you laughing. I'm sure we'll have no problem doing that. 🙄