To the women out there. Is it MS or hot flashes because of menopause? Are you going through the same thing? Having both at the same time just sucks (excuse the language ) l have given up trying to tell the difference. I just say every other one is ms and the next is mp. Thank goodness for my neck wraps.
Hot flashes : To the women out there. Is... - My MSAA Community
Hot flashes

I'm going through the same thing. I've been having hot flashes since my hysterectomy in 2012, but I've been told it may also be from the MS because I don't have any hormone issues. I found taking vitamin b and d supplements help. At times my face is pouring sweat and I'm shivering. It's so annoying
LOL 😄 Hot flashes , your post pefect timing!!! I'm not sure if its MS, MS-meds[flushing] , or my 47 yr old hot flashes. I just turn on air and keep cool🤗📿
I have the same issue, being 60 and having rolled into spms a few years ago the hit flashes are more intense. Does anyone experience toothache pain in your arms and legs, and an onslaught of tears just before the hot flash? It's been my experience for a few years now and drs, specialists aren't able to help except for drugs which put me out of commission totally so I just endure
three years ago i had hsct done after failing multiple dmds. it was great for me but did push me into peri-memopause. i never liked the heat much and now we have fans in every room! for me it feels like waves, i'm be sitting feeling warm and then from the inside i feel like i'm burning up for a few minutes and then it passes to be warm again. i know i don't have it as bad as it is for some but it does suck!
I get hot flashes all the time and I'm no where near mp! I always have an ice pack on me. Or I'm the opposite and I'm freezing! One extreme to the next!
I also suffer from hot flashes!! Got dx in 1997 of RRMS which went to SPMS a few years ago. I'm 57 and never had hot flashes until a couple of months ago. I also now have fans in every room plus AC is blasting! I almost dread going to bed at night since my sweating is worse at night! And if I get cool enough to finally fall asleep, the restless leg thing acts up. Lol. If I take a few baclofen at bedtime and a clonazepam, my.chances of sleep are somewhat better!

Hi Navynana4 l found that if l sit very still l dont get them as bad. Unfortunately lm one of those ppl that can't sit still long. I also know that if l eat, within a half hour lm going to be burning up . lt isn't pretty lol. So l eat once a day or pay the price. Stay cool..
Start taking Maca pills original from Peru. It's improve all you menopause symptoms and it will give more physical, hormonal,mental energy. It's really works. I never had hot flashes, and I am over 56 year old.
I was probably in my mid 40's when I started getting hot flashes and less periods. I started on Hormone ReplacementTherapy and have remained on it to this day and I am now 68. I don't have the risks associated with HT but I hear if I come off of it I could get those bad hot flashes again! I take it because I am a singer and before all the risk scares came out it was recommended even by a doc that writes for Opera News that HRT keeps the voice supple for some people.. I do think that is true for me. The risk "scare" changed in time although for some it is still a risk. I do get night sweats now and then. I don't know if that is related to HRT or MS or just getting older.
Hi itasara l never went on hormone therapy for it, kind of figured it was a rite of passage. I earned it. Unfortunately my body decided that l had to have this monster also. So sometimes it's really hard to tell the difference. I do know that the one that starts in my chest and feels like a knife that just radiates out is ms ugh.
Are you still singing? I would hate for this monster to take that away from you.