Male Genital Redness : Hi, am looking for some... - MY SKIN


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Male Genital Redness

AndyMac1965 profile image
13 Replies

Hi, am looking for some advice guidance regarding my condition. Just over a year ago my genitals looked like they had been badly sunburned. I tried moisturisers and the skin peeled and cracked and there was a terrible odour from the area. I spoke to my GP (with Covid they were not seeing patients) who said it was jock itch and prescribed an emollient and anti fungal cream. There was no change so I was prescribed a course of anti fungal medication, Fluconazole. A year later and the problem still persists. I have been on 5 courses of Fluconazole and use emollients three times a day and occassionlly the steriod cream Eumovate. I have been referred to see a Dermatologist but have been informed the waiting list on NHS is 18 months.

The area does not itch its just covered in red blotches. Any sexual activity sets the condition off with the redness and I use the emollient then the skin peels and i'm back to square one again. MY GP has informed they have exhausted all avenues and I will have to wait to see the Dermaologist. I have been tested for STIs which was negative, swabs taken showed it was not a thrush infection. I have tried to self medicate over the past few months and have used E45 Psoraisis cream and aloe vera gel with tea tree oil which seemed to make the situation worse. I am using Thunderbirdskin Resuce Balm sometimes instead of the emollients as its the only thing that does not seem to burn when I apply it to the area. I am at my wits end now and getting very depressed as I doubt my genitals will return to 'normal'. Has anyone else experienced the symptons I have described and is there any cure?

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AndyMac1965 profile image
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13 Replies
Lizzo30 profile image

Is it some sort of yeast infection or is it fungal ? Why dont you buy some coconut oil you can buy it in a jar it is usually stocked in supermarkets near olive oil cooking oil etc its reasonably priced apply it over , if it is a yeast problem then cider vinegar is good I know this because our cocket spaniel charlie has it I bathed him today and then applied cider vinegar and water 50 / 50 as a conditioner

Its probably important to keep the area clean so warm baths you could try putting epsom salts in the bath

AndyMac1965 profile image
AndyMac1965 in reply to Lizzo30

Thanks LIzzo for the reply. My GPs are treating it as a fungal infection, hence the eumovate cream and the fluconazole tablets with Doublebase Dayleaves gel. When I got checked for STIs the Doctor at the clinic had a look and her opinion was I had a bad case of thrush which would take time to heal. I had a face to face meeting with a GP in July and she was of the opinion it was not a fungal infection but a dermatological problem and she thought the Fluconazole was having an adverse affect on the skin. The same GP 2 weeks ago has just put me a 6 week course of Fluconazole with Eumovagte cream !! I did think about coconut oil. I tried aloe vera gel with tea tree oil and I think it has just burnt my genitals and made the condition worse, The Thunderbird Skin balm seemed to be working for a few days but the redness came back so I have stopped using that and will use what the GP has prescribed.

Lizzo30 profile image
Lizzo30 in reply to AndyMac1965

Hope you get it sorted is it autoimmune I wonder - its usually women that get autoimmune disorders men are protected by testostetone but if your testosterone is low ? Try to get your testostetone levels tested privately if necessary

AndyMac1965 profile image
AndyMac1965 in reply to Lizzo30

Thanks, I have to get a blood test done next week as the Fluconazole tablets can cause liver damage. I will ask them to test for Testerone levels.

Lizzo30 profile image
Lizzo30 in reply to AndyMac1965

That is used to treat candida - a yeast infection - if your condition is a yeast infection then cider vinegar is a good treatment it kills it The other thing you could do is take half a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda ( sold in baking section of supermarkets) in a glass of water it will calm down your immune system and make your body alkaline

Do you drink much alcohol ? I ask because that makes the body more acidic which may trigger your condition

AndyMac1965 profile image
AndyMac1965 in reply to Lizzo30

Thanks, I'm not sure it is a yeast infection as there is no discharge, the area is just red and dry. I don't have any itch or pain. I will get some coconut oil and try that. I read that applying apple cider vinegar could cause burning in the area even if it is diluted.

Lizzo30 profile image
Lizzo30 in reply to AndyMac1965

Yes be careful you could try a tiny area I hope you get sorted

AndyMac1965 profile image

Thank you so much - I would love to hear what routine you used. I shower every day and wear cotton underwear. I am applying the emollient three times a day and been applying the Eumovate cream twice daily but it can only be used for 10 days. I have bought so many produts buy nothing seems to work or they seem to cause more problems. Have considered a private consultation with a dermatologist but there fees seem horrendous. Any help or suggestions would be very much appreciated.

auntiesally profile image

ask your doctor for Trimivate cream, it has a steroid in at as well as antifungal, also flucloxicillin antibiotics

auntiesally profile image

Do not use soap, shower gel etc, not even the unperfumed ones, use Nizol which you can buy over the counter

AndrewT profile image

Dear Andy,

can I suggest that you, try to, arrange to see a Pharmacist- they are Very Highly Qualified People, far more than a Go To for Nappy Rash- the Babies or Yours! Seriously though, if you ask The Pharmacist to 'Look At' this Problem, then he (or she don't worry they, really have, seem it all) and (s)he decides it Needs Attention then One phone call Will secure you a Doctor/ Dermatologist Appointment.

An often Overlooked Resource, is the local Pharmacy, Well Worth a trip.


AndyMac1965 profile image

Apologies for not posting sooner. Thanks for all the advice. I got my testosterone, immunity and liver tested and all were fine. I finished the six week course of Fluconazole and then had another four weeks of one 150ml tablet. The situation greatly improved except for the redness on the penile shaft. I purchased Cerave moisturiser and was using that as it did not burn when I applied it to my skin. I spoke to my Doctor a few weeks later concerning a different issue and mentioned about the emollients. He prescribed Epaderm Ointment which I have been using for the past five weeks and this has really made a great difference. Its like a thick vaseline and I apply it twice daily. The redness is slowly fading and I have had some sexual activity and there has been no flare up with redness and peeling skin unlike previous times so I am hoping the ointemnt will allow me to return to having a normal sex life without the worry of friction type burns and peeling skin.

AndyMac1965 profile image

I finally got to see a Dermatologist who has diagnosed Genital Psoriasis and has prescribed the following creams - Lotriderm Cream (30g) for 2 weeks then Trimovate Cream (30g) for 2 weeks then Daktacort Ointment (30g) for 2 weeks. I still have to apply the emollient twice daily. I am in the middle of the course of applying the creams so it will be another while to see if the redness does eventually go away. The Dermatologist did inform that i would probably be prone to more outbreaks but since uisngthe Epaderm oIntment the condition has really calmed down in the area so hoping things may return to normal.

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