I think this forum is under dermatology that’s why I am going to write my post about skin related problem here. If it’s not the right one for seeking advice pls let me know in the reply sections.
I am 39 year Old Male and Circumcised. Few months back I noticed some elongated oval shaped brown spots appeared on the glans of my penis. First I thought they could be some kind of moles and would go away on their own. I have done some research online too and it said if they are not ragged outlined then nothing to worry. But these actually are hard to define by the look.
The matter of worries is, instead of going away they actually keep coming more in number and I recently found another one appeared right by the urethra. Now so far from my research I found they could be Penile Melanois which are normally harmless.
But why suddenly the number are increasing. First start with two now 4/5 around the glans. Is that normal? Or M I too paranoid? Should I take them really seriously? Please advise me. I didn’t upload photos cause I am not sure if this is the right forum although my problem is all about skin condition. Thanks in advance for any wise reply.