Hi there my face every few weeks flairs up, I have tried steroid cream and other creams that should sooth the redness and soreness but it keeps coming back. I woke up this morning washed my face with water and my skin inflamed instantly. Are there any creams that can help this condition ???
Red Sore Face: Hi there my face every few weeks... - MY SKIN
Red Sore Face

The first thing to do is to stop usung steroid cream on your face - it might seem as if it works for a little while and then it actually makes the condition worse. You should go see your GP for a diagnosis because it could be several things. Once you know what it is you can then begin treatment. If your GP can't help, and that is common place, ask for a referral to a dermatologist and don't be shy in asking. Once you know what it is come back to the site and there will be lots of help of that I am sure.
Steroid creams could be your problem. Please google ITSAN or topical steroid addiction. The skin becomes dependant on steroid creams and creates a rebound flare when you try to stop using them. The cure it to stop steroids, although healing can take years.
Skin issues are often linked to digestive disturbance.
You might want to get tested for parasites, heavy metals and food allergies. You might need to use the internet to find some of these tests as most regular Dr's don't do them.
It looks like it could also be a fungal infection. Certain doctors will have a special light (like a black light) to see whether it's a fungal infection.
Again, diet is often responsible for skin problems. Doing a thorough elimination assessment of all the possibilities will not only help you clear up embarrassing skin issues, but ultimately increases your immune function (ie. overall health, lifespan). You can't lose.
hi. had same thing. Its a total shitter tbh.
It Improved much by the following:
first, no more sugar - no beer, pizza, biscuits - instead honey only.
You'll grow to think bees are the best thing ever...
I hope you like vodka or gin with soda as a mixer cos' they're the only alcohol without sugar in it.
Hard to stop sugar, but work on it.
No more dairy.
The spots down my side of face stopped after quitting dairy & sugar.
2nd- try this on the spots which appear. From Boots called Acnecide
Its EXTREMELY powerful, must only be used directly on the spots - don't rub it all over the area, or it will turn whole area red. Couldn't find anything else that really worked...
3rd- try washing face with bottled water, tap water has chlorine which made my nose/face appear red.
You prob have sensitive skin like me, so a 50p bottle of water to wash with is worth a try.
If this works & I sincerely hope it does pls pass it on to others.......
Yes. Get in touch with me on my facebook page and I'll explain what I use for my Rosacea. facebook.com/mking1609
My doctor advised using Teatree coal tar shampoo- very diluted as a mild foam in your hands and to leave it on the face for a minute- makes a difference and my skin had calmed down! Good shampoo too.