.before that I had symptoms of scalp psoriasis which was nothing compared to what I have to go through now. I wanted to know if any one can guide me on use of Acitretin...what are the merits and demerits of fighting psoriasis with this drug?
Hi Guys....I am 32 years old and suffering from Gu... - MY SKIN
Hi Guys....I am 32 years old and suffering from Guttate psoriasis for the past six months...

Hi AlphaTangoRomeo,
I don't have psoriasis, but I'm sure someone will be able to offer some advice.
Meanwhile, here's some info:
Acitretin (BAD patient information leaflet) bad.org.uk/site/1383/Defaul...
Acitretin (DermNet NZ) dermnetnz.org/treatments/ac...
Treatments for moderate to severe psoriasis (BAD) dermnetnz.org/scaly/scalp-p...
I used to suffer from this and was using loads of different types of steroid creams from the doctor, but none ever worked for long. I cut out everything that contains sls or sles, and I made my own body butter with coconut oil, shea butter and cocoa butter. Three weeks after doing this my guttate psoriasis which covered my back, most of my front, my arms and bits on my legs, completely cleared up and after 2 years now has not come back again.
Siobhan the best thing about your post is that their is hope for me that my condition will go away sometime....how long did you suffer before you got better.....will definitely try your remedy
I had it for about 3 years and a half years. At times it was very itchy and sometimes it was painful. I can remember taking a brush (not a hair brush but one you use in the bath) to my back and being disgusted at the amount of skin I scrubbed off. On my birthday I was reduced to tears when the skin of my underarms came away after a shower. The itching was soothed with my butter straight away, and it had nearly gone by the very next day the lesions were gone after three weeks. I now make and sell my own soap as I was fed up with being able to find stuff for my sensitive skin, and will soon be able to do other body products. As for the body butter I have used it with success on fungal skin infections too, it is truly fantastic stuff, I am never without a pot of it.
hi siobhan1011 I too was suffering from these types of itching problem for around 15 yrs but now it is cured fully 15 days back. You can contact me for more details on praja758@gmail.com
To: siobhan 1011 Hi, i have same cases as you. I am searching for another remedy aside from the cream my dermatologist gave me. I wanna try using the coconut oil, shea butter and cocoa butter, can you tell me exactly the procedures on how to make them? Thanks i am hoping to hear from yo again.
Hi, im 22 I first fount out I had guttate psoriasis last march I can understand how daunting it can be, I didn't do no drugs I did it completely naturally. I am almost clear have about 6 small spots on my body. I cured it by bathing in sea salts, using aloe Vera cream from Holland and barratts and changing my diet. But good luck with everything =)
Thanks chez.....it makes it easier for me to know that people suffered the same difficulties i dont feel alone,,,,best thing is I am hopefull that it would go away from my life....question is how long did u suffer before you got better?
Yeah it is nice to know your not alone I felt like nobody understood how it felt to be covered in all these red patches scaling. But it does get better providing you help yourself, I fount it improved hell of alot by stopping alcohol which was hard when I liked drinking on Friday nights. About august it really looked alot better but then had another small outbreak september-Jan and now im almost clear. But cant stress enough about using sea salt, aloe Vera and changing diet.
Even I had this problem for nearly 20 years. I had gone through so many treatment including English, Ayurveda, Ac cu puncher etc.... But all of them gave immediate cure but again after two or three months I get it back. This was spread over all my body. And the repeated medicine also gets no effect in long run. But today I am 100% cured. How ?
Some one advised me with very confident that, one local plant leaves ( I do not even know the name of it but showed me where it is.), just took the leaves, grinned in mixi. poured pure co-co nut oil to the level equal the grinned leaves and kept open in hot sun for one hour and used to apply on the spot every after bath. It took only 10 days for full cure. Till today I did not have even the symtom of it for the past 6 months.( The person who advised me was a seems to siddhar). I was not able to find there after. The plant was every where available in chennai.
I had Guttate psoriasis 3 times in my 20s. Coal tar, steroids etc did not work for me. The doctors gave me uv treatment, basically sunbeds in a hospital for a very short time and then gradually built up 3 times a week. It worked really well. One time I had it I was in france and the areas exposed to the sun cleared up really quickly compared to the rest of my body. I would definitely recommend trying natural treatment first before drugs. Chez mentioned salt and I found that helpful too. Holland and Barrett sell a dead sea salt brushing (oil and salt) and you can also buy salt to put in the bath or try just seasalt from the supermarket. It is frustrating while you have it, but it will generally clear up on it's own within 3 months even without treatment. Good luck!
Hello Mr Pharmacist.....As per your recommendation and of course your help I was able to catch hold of Dexem Repair Scalp Lotion for treatment of psoriasis in my scalp. The lotion was very effective it helped heal the skin and it took away the embarrassing redness off of my forehead plus it forms a lair on top of white scales. The lotion has helped alot in managing the symptoms of psoriasis.
Thanks alot
I am glad and happy for you.
Although all posts mention happy results from herbal remedies you must remember not to take anything that increases your Immune System as Ps is an Auto Immune Disease, whereby your Immune System is attacking your body with the result in your case of Ps.
Some foods may be not helping, so keep a dairy for a month of all that you eat and drink along with how well your skin is and see if you see any patterns along the way. As you are young don't forget to add in any forms of alcohol!
I have had all forms of Ps and I now have PsA as well, so am well informed on these two diseases although newer to PsA. Ps has been in my life since birth, am in my 61st year, it has been like life by ebbing and flowing. The main thing that it loves to thrive on is stress, so a good daily walk at the end of the day to relieve any stress is the best and cheapest way of helping yourself. The heat of the gym appears to aggravate it whereas outside in the air helps.
At the end of the day what you find works for you is the best way to go.