How to catch a compulsion?: Hi everyone, I... - My OCD Community

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How to catch a compulsion?

4 Replies

Hi everyone, I have really tried to avoid carrying out my OCD compulsions and whilst I haven’t done the main ones and really resisted, I ended up doing a mini compulsion which took me two or three hours. It started off as a very small compulsion and then turned into a slightly larger one. It wasn’t a usual compulsion for me, but was related. Carrying out the compulsion then lead me to worry more. How do I catch a compulsion which isn’t a usual compulsion?

Also, I feel really guilty for doing this. I’m so cross with myself as I’ve been trying really hard to resist my compulsions and I feel as though I wasted so much time yesterday whilst on holiday. I felt distracted and couldn’t fully enjoy the day.

Does anyone have any advice or insight?

Thanks so much in advance.

4 Replies
Natureloverpeace profile image

Recovery can be messy and it isn’t linear. Try to cut yourself some slack, no one does recovery perfectly. Slips happen. With more recovery experience, comes a greater ability to recognize your voice from the voice of OCD. Maybe a question to ask yourself is what is the function of this physical or mental behavior. If it’s to decrease or get rid of distress from a thought that’s demanding your immediate attention and feels urgent, it may be OCD.

in reply to Natureloverpeace

Thank you so much for your reply to my post, that’s a really helpful way of looking at it. Thanks again.

Sallyskins profile image

Try not beating yourself up about it! Each attempt at resisting a compulsion is a little victory in the fight against OCD. There are going to be a lot of 'failures' along the way where you gave into the OCD and did the compulsion. But it's important not to think of them as 'failures'. It's the attempt that matters.

It's better to give yourself credit for the occasions where you managed to resist the compulsions, than blame yourself for those you didn't manage. And don't feel guilty.

It's quite common for OCD to add new obsessions and compulsions to your current repertoire. Old ones often go away and are replaced by new ones. It makes sense to resist the new ones before they get a hold on you.

Always remember that with OCD it's going to be two steps forward and one back again. It's a fluctuating condition anyway, and what matters is that you progress more than you fall back, and that you make the attempts.

in reply to Sallyskins

Thank you so much, this is really helpful insight.

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