It doesn’t matter how illogical the intrusive thought or obsession is. We with OCD are incredibly creative with coming up with another “what if”. No matter how hard we try to get rid of uncertainty, it will be there. We can’t control uncertainty or outsmart OCD. Trying to use logic on it ends up feeding the OCD cycle instead. It does this by telling the brain we can’t handle distress and using logic or other compulsions to manage distress is necessary. Compulsions bring temporary relief and the cycle repeats. ERP can help you to face the fear and accept uncertainty. Eventually, you can get to the point where you can distinguish between your voice and the voice of OCD, and learn to trust yourself to do what you value instead of fearing the “what if”.
Using logic on OCD doesn’t work - My OCD Community
Using logic on OCD doesn’t work

Your post struck home. I am terrified of uncertainty. I've been looking up the symptoms of OCD on Google.
Do you think you can have OCD without the "C"?
I’m sorry you’re feeling terrified of uncertainty. We all face uncertainty every day and usually don’t give it a second thought. We don’t know for certain if we are going to be safe when we drive to a social event or if a loved one will make it home tonight. There is always risk but if we don’t take risks our world can become very small and isolating. The more we do the OCD dictator’s demands, the more it demands. It’s never satisfied. Compulsions feed the OCD cycle so we need to do response prevention to starve the OCD dictator and put it in its place. OCD loves to attack what we value and instill doubt and uncertainty in those areas. It hones in a particular possibility and makes it seem like an imminent threat. Obsessions and compulsions go hand in hand. Compulsions can be physical compulsions or mental compulsions. You can find more information at OCD can’t currently be cured but you can thrive in life again with your OCD well-managed through ERP with an OCD specialist. ACT (Acceptance Commitment Therapy) can be used in conjunction with ERP.
Very well stated and I agree
how do i get hold of erp?

NOCD offers ERP virtually by licensed mental health professionals who specialize in OCD and are appropriately trained in it. You can contact them through You can also find an OCD specialist through and click on Find Help. They attach a disclaimer to the list of providers because the IOCDF only verifies their licensure. Any licensed therapist can claim to be a qualified OCD specialist and ask to have their name added to the list but that doesn’t mean they are qualified. Ask the person what disorders they treat to see if they truly specialize in OCD. A therapist can’t possibly specialize in a bunch of different disorders. What training have they had to be an OCD specialist? What is their approach to treating OCD? ERP is the gold standard treatment. What is their success rate? What level of care do they think you need? Are they able to explain the OCD cycle to you and what feeds it? What continuing education do they do to stay current on OCD treatment?