Magical thinking OCD: So I looked this up... - My OCD Community

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Magical thinking OCD

Marc0133 profile image
8 Replies

So I looked this up and I definitely have what is called Magical Thinking OCD.

I always have to repeat "safe phrases" in my head or words that are the opposite to ones related to my fears. I do it everytime I turn on a TV, start drawing, turn on my game console, leaving my bedroom, heck even when closing tabs from websites or even starting threads. And if if my head thinks of a word related to my fears I have to frantically redo the entire process otherwise I'm afraid my fear will happen. I actually managed to stop doing it for a bit as I used a technique that made me limit how much I try to do this, something like "you only get three tries to do this ritual and after that you'll just have to deal with it" and it actually worked!

But recently its come back in full force and while its still not as bad as it once was there are still times where I find myself getting anxious unless I do the ritual right.

Sorry if this seemed hard to understand. Its hard to explain but this is how I've felt for a long time. Anyone got any extra tips to help cope with it? Thanks

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8 Replies
Dempsey1919 profile image

I do that, I say I'm not this not that before I do anything and if I don't I worry I done something bad or something bad will happen. Its pure O, meaning pure obsessional which is miss leading as we do have compulsions mental rituals. I'm still trying not to repeat myself in my head but it is hard. Just sitting with the anxiety and not trying to do anything to ease it.

WolfMuffin profile image

I can definitely relate and I do the three times thing too. Trying to work on getting down to one time. The struggle is real though. You are not alone.

Dempsey1919 profile image

Yes baby steps easier said than done of course I avoid certain words in my head, my worrys are me worried that I'm a bad person if I do something,yours seems more external nothing bad will happen. So for the time being just write the game or draw it on a piece of paper,record saying it on your phone it sounds alot and it is but anxiety has never killed anyone, just people with anxiety disorders catastrophize. When the anxiety creeps up which it will,don't do compulsions, like avoidance,rituals external or mental. Practice this say ten mins a day. Practice mindfulness aswel though, notice the anxious bad thoughts and feelings do not engage or hang onto them, even if it does seem scary the more you practice this,this it's self is kind of erp as your noticing without trying to push away. Medito on playstore completely free taught me mindfulness meditation its a big part of my life. Good luck and remember bad people don't worry, so keep calm.

Dempsey1919 profile image

I'm still struggling with certain phrases, and I still won't say them because they my worries. But I am learning not to panicky when they come in my head I'm learning through mindfulness not to repeat certain phrases or compulsions and just notice them and go back to my present anchor of focus. If you can, write your feared word down, say it in your phone the ocd bully does not like that. I won't say certain phrases or think certain things until with erp specialist but I can learn not to try cancel them with a mental ritual. I ruminate and it's hard,I completely understand. Just try notice your anxiety without ruminating afterwards ok. Sorry about first advice I didn't read your story properly, didn't have my lenses in lol.

SCC1 profile image
SCC1 in reply to Dempsey1919

I do the same thing w/ cancelling the thoughts through a mental or physical compulsion. I obsess and obsess and go in circles. Sometimes that's all my mind is about...the thoughts.

SCC1 profile image
SCC1 in reply to Dempsey1919

I have to try too, to let the thoughts be thoughts and try not to give in to them w/ compulsions. Its scary though.

How do you get there? How do you let the thoughts just come and be okay w/ them?

Thank you

Dempsey1919 profile image
Dempsey1919 in reply to SCC1

I practice mindfulness meditation from a app in play store called medito.its completely free and it trains your brain to notice thoughts but don't engage,it can be transferred to when your not meditating. Notice when your mind wandered ir intrusive thought, observe it and go back and keep doing what your doing.

SCC1 profile image
SCC1 in reply to Dempsey1919

Thank you, Dempsey 1919!

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