Hi everyone! I’ve just joined the group. I have been dealing with OCD since I was around 10 years old. It started when my cousin was diagnosed with cancer. I wanted to keep her safe and began doing rituals in order to do so. Thankfully, she recovered, but my OCD was still there. I just had these thoughts of bad things happening to my family and friends, and I wanted to keep them safe so badly. I still do. My compulsions include arranging things, repetition, tapping stuff, and replaying thoughts in my mind. I struggle with being able to get these thoughts out of my mind, because I just don’t want anything bad to happen. I have joined this group because, whilst the people around me are supportive, they just don’t understand what it’s like to experience OCD, and to be as scared as we all are. For example, people keep telling me to ‘stop’ my compulsions, and I know that it comes from a good place, but it just isn’t helpful because I would have stopped if I could.
So I am looking for advice on how to calm myself down whenever I experience an obsession? Thank you!