Does anyone else suffer overwhelming depression because of how there OCD makes them feel, constantly feel as though I’m pushing people away, annoying everyone being a liability because of my need for reassurance and fear of leaving home. Does anyone have any tips for grounding your self and stopping the obsessive worrying that the obsessive worrying causes. Feel like I’m stuck on a never ending cycle at the moment. TIA x
Depression. : Does anyone else suffer... - My OCD Community
I think everyone that has ocd does the depression thing ....its because it stops us from being us ...accept I have an illness that make me second guess stuff and that gives me too many what ifs the real you and repeat this is an ocd thing again not going there ....distract yourself help someone ...all thoes sort of things reminds you that you are a nice kind person .,who just worries about crappy thoughts .some people have diabetes.some have problems with weight.some have gambling issues ...we have overactive THOUGHTS ....another type of addiction
I feel that way, I’m used to being strong and dealing with things on my own and having to be reassured constantly that I’m ok and that I’m not weird it’s hard and I feel low having to have the same conversations week after week to be reassured like you said. I’m definitely finding that I’m stressed right now so my ocd is worse and the spiral of low mood is bad. I now have a collection of diagnosis’s so I see learning how to have tools to deal with my OCD is a new learning curve for me just like I had to do with my depression and my chronic pain so I would totally recommend learning some techniques I would read online and find what works for you because unfortunately the waiting list to see someone seems to be an age. But so far I’ve learnt for mine being thought based ocd acknowledgment of the thought and then stepping back from as if it’s not connected to you and then letting it float away and not judging yourself for it(which is hard) or playing music in my head. Physical I haven’t had in a while but i think meditation yoga Pilates would be good also helps with depression clears the mind. Sorry I’m not the most helpful I’m kinda new to this all, not the depression had that a while.
great advice, we can all boost eachother that's what friends do and we all are in the same boat its hard to explain the ocd thing to a non sufferer,but us that have it ,,know what a bastard it can be ,,,but together we will help each other through the rough bits
Thank you, you have been helpful in a lot of ways, just anyone replying to a post makes me feel not alone with this horrible thing and that means so much.

I know how you feel it’s a very lonely thing I don’t really know anyone else who has it and as much as I know the people in my life love me there’s always the wonder what everyone really thinks. As I know that asking them to reassure me is my coping mechanism and not a good cycle and now just seeing people says hey I have this too makes me feel less alone and less like there’s something wrong with me. I hope your depression gets better it’s such a horrible thing It’s the first thing I ever got diagnosed at 16 so I’m better at advice for that than my OCD.
I think I have depression to my antidepressants were originally chosen to treat anxiety, depression and OCD. I cry, have negative thoughts, think I'm a burden to others, have had my ocd take a lot from me and think about suicide as an escape.
Hi Black Onyx, please don’t give up. You are not a burden. Anyone who know and loves you should realize it’s not your fault and if they don’t then they’re just not educated because it’s an illness, not a choice. It sounds like you need medication or a different one, I’m not a fan of meds but unfortunately, sometimes it is necessary and it’s just genetic ‘. Once you get the right one you will have the ability to do therapy and beat this. NEVER give up. If you are alone then come to this thread for comfort, like you did. You may not realize but there’s someone in this world that needs you, eventually you will be there for them. First take care of you, read, try a new dr if you have to.. you got this. You are needed here.