Does anybody feel depressed at this time or antsy?
How are people feeling?: Does anybody feel... - My OCD Community
How are people feeling?

Hi Gwendolyn, I am good I do feel anxious and sad at times. I think really trying to keep a schedule of going out to do walks would be helpful. I try to do that when I can. I also try to fill my time with enjoyable activities that I like. It has been a trying time for many.
I have been fighting depression. I miss my family while we are isolating. I miss my good church. I can't see the grandbabies. It is a hard time. I have to make things for myself to look forward to.
I notice that I am feeling increasingly down. I am dealing with a foot injury and recovery from a wrist surgery, so my movement is limited. I'm also living in a new area where I don't have many friends. I felt I was doing pretty well for the first 6 weeks of isolation, but now it is getting difficult. I am ready to return to work. How are you coping?
Hi, I definitely have times where I feel low and very down. But I am mostly very anxious and antsy. There is so much fear in the world right now.
I haven't been doing well at all these last couple days. I had a trauma trigger two days ago, and now my OCD and anxiety about the trauma is out of control. I feel like I'm tired of it, and my thoughts occasionally just slip into nihilism, where I feel like there's no purpose to life; the universe is cold and uncaring; and we're all just existing here for nothing, waiting to die with regrets. I'm not in a good place, and I just wish my head would shut up!