I'm after some advice regarding a wheelchair adapted vehicle and wheelchair please. My wife is using a standard wheelchair at the minute but we're expecting over the next year or two to need a more substantial wheelchair. When applying for a WAV we have to enter wheelchair dimensions. Because it's a five year motability lease I'm trying to future proof the vehicle for us. Can anyone tell me what wheelchair you are using so I can check out the measurements?Thanks in advance.
Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle and whe... - Multiple System A...
Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle and wheelchair size.

We have a WAV and details of the wheelchair we use are shown below.
One thing to bear in mind is that you need to have a crash tested wheelchair, has your WAV supplier mentioned this ?
If you have to use hospital transport for any reason they insist on it. Our previous wheelchair was not a crash tested one and they refused to pick us up.
The one shown below is crash tested so no problem and easily fits in our Peugeot Rifter WAV.
Hi, I think you will need a aTransit size vehicle if you think she will need bigger wheel chair in the future.
Hi! We are in a similar situation, awaiting a demo of a WAV next week.
My husband uses an Ergo Pro folding wheelchair 20” wide. We bought it 14 months ago when his condition was much less severe. It was really only meant for hospital appointments etc when long walks may be required. . It comes in different widths and is crash tested. It is too wide to get round some of the corners in our home without removing the footplates.
Our Neuro nurse has referred my husband to the wheelchair service (didn’t even know it existed!)for a made to measure, powered chair so we are managing with the ‘manual’ one in the meantime although no idea how long it will take.
Good luck with your search.