I was diagnosed in September, and am having increasing problems with my vision. My eyes don’t always point where I want them to - sometimes moving randomly, I often lose convergence,, and they keep defocusing. Can anyone say where this is heading? What can I expect? Thank you.
vision problems: I was diagnosed in... - Multiple System A...
vision problems

Hello. Having been diagnosed only in September, you probably feel your life has been turned upside down. If you're not already a member of the MSA Trust, it's well worth joining. They offer huge support and have loads of really useful information on their web site. If you can, it's also worth going to a local MSA Trust support group where you will find others who are going through the same issues as you.
The Trust has a very useful factsheet on their web site that may be found here:
I hope this is helpful and please keep in touch with this forum and feel free to post about your experiences.
Take care, Ian
Hi when my husband got diagnosed we then got him lend replacement had to go private but what a difference it made he was so happy he could read again. I had read somewhere this horrible illnesss may affect some people’s vision so that is why we got it done , hope this helps .
I have vision problems too! I see double but prisms have helped somewhat. My vision is always blurry but I can read. They recently found my pupils are a different size but said it’s not related to MSA though I beg to differ.
🥲have you seen a specialist?
Hi, welcome to the forum. My husband was diagnosed 5 years ago but only recently agreed to see an Optician who was very good and explained that many neurological conditions cause the eyes to focus outwards instead of in towards what you are looking at. He has also taken to wearing sunglasses most of the times as light also affects his eyes too. He was finding it especially difficult when travelling as it made him dizzy. He has been given both reading and distance glasses with a prism in them and this is definitely helping his focus for watching TV and reading. I hope this helps. Just take each day at a time and try to adjust to each new situation. Get local services on board ASAP. Social work is your best port of call who would hopefully involve Ooccupational Therapy at each stage. MSA trust is a great source of info too.