my mum was confirmed with MSA+p in 2018 aged 70 .mum never wanted any interventions ie: peg feed etc i cared for mum at home for 3 years but the last 3years mum was in a nursing care home .was under palative care for the last nine months of 2024, we both stayed strong and kept positive and no negativity through all that this beast of a disease threw at my mum. had plenty of infections in the last two years. we talked and sorted her funeral plans and the kind of care she wanted near the end. mum had been struggling with her breathing for the last two months. mum really declined on the 5th of october oxgen levels was 85 / 83 on monday 7th october was oxygen level 82 ,mum finaly passed peacefuly on tuesday 8th of october at 03:20 am ..i kept my promise to my mum to be there . ... i will stay on this group ...
mum finaly at peace: my mum was... - Multiple System A...
mum finaly at peace

My heart goes out to you, I know so well how you feel. It's seven months today since my Jackie died and I feel the pain every day.
I'm so glad you managed to keep your promise to your mum, you looked after her so well.
Do take care, Ian
thank you so much for sharing this with us. I am so grateful that you will stay on the forum here because you will have a wealth of knowledge by experience.
You gave your mum the care and most important the ending that I hope I too can achieve. Even as you grieve, be proud of that last gift.
I hope you have support. I am thinking of you. Gill x
so very sorry for your loss but glad you are staying. Be proud x
So sorry to hear that news.
Our thoughts are with you at this sad time.
You did your best for your mum.
Take care
We are all sorry to hear that your mom lost her battle with the beast. Your care and knowledge will be very useful to future sufferers. Take time to grieve
Paul and Sue
I'm so sorry for your loss. It's 10 months since my lovely Maggie passed away. I know how hard it is and was. I'm still miss her each and every day. Time to look after you now. Sending love to you and your family. Take care. Caroline x
I'm so sorry for the loss of your mum. I would add that your mum raised you right and as a mom myself, we can rest in peace when we know that our children are in a good place in life. I hope that your end of life experience with mum will give you some comfort as you grieve your loss. Take good care.
you were lucky to have each other Bless
thinking of you. So many of us can relate xx