It is with immense sorrow, I tell you that, My darling husband, Tony, passed away on Monday 30th December. He died at home , as we both wished. with support from wonderful Palliative care nurses.
The only consolation is that he is now free from this dreadful disease and at peace. The last few months have been very hard and difficult to watch, It has been a long struggle. From the first diagnosis of Parkinsons, 9 years ago to MSA.
Thank you all for support, it helps when so few people really understand MSA.
Thanks also to Samantha Pavey at MSA Trust, such a great support.
Also the team at the National Hospital of Neurology Queens Square.
Our journey is over, but I know for many of you, you are still along the road.
We took everyday as it came, the bad and the better ones, its not easy , but Nobody or No thing can take love for each other away.
Thank you all Chris